☠︎︎Chapter 13⌫

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"Where were you two! You both gave me a fucking heart attack! What in the world?! I swear to god never do that to me again!" Tubbo yelled as he hugged Ranboo with one arm and Michael with another arm as he cried. Ranboo just sighed and hugged his husband back, Michael tapping Tubbo's leg as an apology. "I was so worried about you too.... You can't just go off and scare me like that-! Michael was gone and he knows nothing about L'manburg while you are nowhere to be found! I thought something happened to the two of you- o-or worse! WHat if something terrible happened?! What would I have done?!" Tubbo said as he cried into Ranboo's chest, the hybrid feeling awful for worrying Tubbo. It took a few minutes but soon the brunette calmed down, taking deep breaths as he wiped away at his face.

"We're both really sorry for worrying you Tubbo... Right Michael? We really didn't mean it... This will never happen again," Ranboo said and the small piglin nodded constantly, hugging Tubbo tighter to try and get the message across. He even started tugging at the bottom of Tubbo's shirt, wanting to get picked up by his other father. Tubbo sighed with a smile and slowly picked up Michael with a sniffle, hugging his son tightly. "I lost track of time and I didn't head to the house when I should have... I promise I'll be better next time alright...? How about we put Michael in his room and then we can go help Niki with the bakery. Alright?" Ranboo asked and Tubbo slowly nodded with a small smile. Tubbo carried Michael while Ranboo led the brunette to the kid's room, the child waving goodbye to Tommy and Dream. Everyone else in the room smiled at the family, they all looked really happy. They were practically the best family on the server... After a while Tubbo and Ranboo, after returning Michael to his room, exited the house so they could leave for Quackity's house.

"Alright! Let's get going! Sapnap and Karl need their food... I don't feel like coming home to a burt house and two hangry partners," Quackity explained and they all started walking down the path towards his house. Quackity and Fundy were leading the group while Ranboo and Tubbo were following close behind them, all of them conversing between themselves. Tommy just walked in the back, his hands shoved in his pockets as he walked. Dream was floating around his head as he looked around, still finding new things he found interesting. It was a nice quiet the two shared with each other, Dream looking over at Tommy once and awhile as floated around the teen's head. After a while of walking around they came upon the Quackity's house, a lantern lit in the window signalling someone was home.

"Bad made us chocolate chip muffins a little while back... I think about three days ago? We should still have some around the house... Unless George, Sapnap, and Karl ate them all because they're like rats and eat everything they can get their hands on... Anyways- Ignore that- Does anyone want Muffins if we do still have some? I can go grab some from the kitchen after giving Karl and Sap their food," Quackity mentioned and everyone nodded, Bad's muffins being one of the best things to eat on this server. Quackiy nodded and walked out, after a few minutes he came back out with a bag of muffins. Tubbo happily took a bite as soon as his hands got a hold of the muffin while Ranboo put it into his inventory. Fundy ate half of it and saved the other half for later when he got hungry. Tommy just shrugged and ate all of it while Dream saved it into his hoodie pocket after wrapping it in a small napkin Tommy had given him.

Once Quackity handed out the muffins to everyone they all started walking to the bakery. It was a nice day and they could see some people out working. Soon they made it and they all spotted Niki taking down some icicles that were hanging from the overhang. Eret was wiping the windows, getting rid of the frost on the glass while Puffy was sweeping the water out of the building. Niki was the first to spot the five teens and the ghost walking towards the bakery, waving to them with a smile as she slowly climbed down the ladder. Puffy set her broom against the doorway while Eret set the wipe he was using on the counter. When looking at the bakery Dream felt bad... He didn't mean to freeze everything. He had panicked and in the moment he accidentally froze the building and everything inside.

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