❣︎Chapter 5❣︎

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Ranboo led Tommy and Wilbur down the path towards George, Sapnap, and Quackity's shared house. They were surprised no one watched them as they left the bakery. But it was for the best anyways- But Wilbur and Ranboo were questioning their decisions a bit... The two noticed Tommy's change in mood as they got closer and closer to the small hut that was built along the path. He was breathing slowly, taking in long and steady breaths as he walked. Wilbur noticed how Tommy's hands were shoved into his pockets, his hands clearly clenched into fists as they shook a bit. He was leaning forwards as he walked, seeming to avoid any eye contact with either of the males walking next to him. His face was a little red as his eyes were focused on the ground. Wilbur looked at Ranboo with worried eyes... Tommy was one to always work off his emotions. He's been stubborn like this for as long as I could remember. Him and his overwhelming sense of pride... Tommy was practically shaking.

"Hey- Tommy-? Um... You think you wanna calm down before we get to the hou-" Wilbur started but Tommy just cut him off with just a hand. The ghost flinched back for a second, scared the Tommy was going to snap at him, but the blonde just kept walking behind Ranboo. But the blonde wasn't saying a word to either. Tommy usually isn't silent, other than when he was bored, and it was scary when he was quiet for no reason. So Wilbur didn't say anything else- He wasn't one to stay silent about things... But the brunette didn't like getting yelled at... He was yelled at enough when he was trying to remember everything after dying. He didn't need anyone yelling at him anymore.

Ranboo just kept walking, sometimes glancing at the two brother's following him. Once he saw the house he took in a deep breath, looking at the house with his different colored eyes. He knew Tommy would immediately bust into the house or something- And soon Tommy noticed the hybrid looking at the house and started to walk faster, even starting to run at some point. Wilbur and Ranboo noticed the change of pace, the two looking at each other before running after Tommy. The blonde immediately started knocking on the oak door when he stood in front of it. By the time Ranboo and Wilbur were standing by Tommy they saw the door slowly creek open, all three of them trying to see who was opening the door. Tommy was disappointed to see Bad open the door, the man holding his head with his hand seemingly having a headache. He shook his head a bit, getting rid of the headache for a few seconds as he looked down at the three, his eyes widening when he saw Tommy.

"T-Tommy? What are you doing in L'manburg? I thought you were exiled- And why are you here at Sapnap and George's house?" He asked and Wilbur was about to speak up, Tommy quickly cutting him off. Wilbur shrunk a bit, wanting to say something but didn't want to make Tommy madder than he already was. Ranboo didn't say a thing, standing next to the blonde teen with a blank look on his face. Bad was way too tired to do this... He was going through his own things and he really didn't feel like having human interaction- But he knew Tommy wouldn't leave him alone if he didn't get what he wanted. So he just waited for Tommy to explain himself, Ranboo and Wilbur seeing how weak Bad was looking...

He seemed really sick... Making the other's really worried.

What was wrong with the usually happy and bouncy demon?

"Tubbo let me back in and stuff- Anyways- Where is George and Sapnap? I need to talk with them," Tommy said and Bad raised an eyebrow at the teen. Bad could feel the anger rolling off the blonde in waves. But honestly he was too drained to figure out why, bring his hand back up to his head to rub his temple. His headache was killing him... He just stepped aside to let them all inside, Wilbur thanking Bad and giving him some blue on his way in. Tommy noticed the dim looking room, the life seeming to be sucked out of the house. The only part of the house that Tommy couldn't see was a dark hallway leading deeper into the building. It felt abandoned but they all knew that four people apparently lived here. But Tommy was confused when he didn't see Sapnap and George in their own house, not being in the kitchen, living room, or dining room from what he could see.

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