*Chapter 1*

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Dream stood there shifting his weight from foot to foot. He could barely gain the confidence to look up at his best friend in front of him. But George just looked at Dream, his hands tightly curled up in a fist and his mouth curbed down in a small frown. Even though Dream couldn't see the man's eyes behind his glasses he knew he was pissed. George was wearing his normal clothing, the light blue shirt and his dark blue jeans. But hanging from his shoulders by a gold chain was a red cape, white fluff lining the end of the cape that barely touched the ground. But there was no crown on his head. That was because Dream had just dethroned his best friend. Taking away his power as king and giving it back to Eret. At either side of George was Quackity and Sapnap, the two also glaring at Dream the fire behind their eyes very prominent.

Dream felt so small at that one moment... He had just wanted to keep George safe. He didn't want him to get hurt. Tommy and Ranboo had burned his house- What would have become of George if he was actually inside of that house the time it had burned down? He would have lost one of his lives... Dream didn't want that. He just wanted his friends to be safe. Why couldn't Geroge understand that? Why couldn't Sapnap understand that either? Not even Quackity seemed to understand what Dream was trying to do for his best friends.

"Tell me you hate me Dream! I can take the truth," George demanded as he took a step forward towards the masked man. Dream unconsciously stepped away from George as he tensed at his friend's words. He didn't want the brunette to get too close. He knew the man well, being his best friend. George was angry... He knew the teen was angry enough to even get physical with Dream by throwing a punch or maybe even pulling out his sword in retaliation. But Dream didn't want to hurt George... It was something he refused to do... "You hate me Dream... I woke up as King and now... What am I?"

"You're my best friend! I don't hate you George! I don't hate Sapnap either! I would never hate either of you! Ever! I'm not saying it because it's not true! You have to believe me! I just wanted to keep you both safe!" Dream yelled desperately as he brought a hand up to clutch the front of his hoodie. George rolled his eyes as he scoffed. Dream felt his heart break a little at that, his chest feeling tight as his breathing stuttered. Sapnap felt the raging fire slowly growing in him, Quackity having to give him a look to calm him down so he wouldn't go and attack the man even though Quackity wanted to hit Dream really really badly.

"Everything wrong on this server... It's because of you Dream! You! Haven't you noticed that at all? You started the very first war on the server with L'manburg when Wilbur and Tommy asked for independence... Why I don't even know- You endorsed Jschlatt and what happened when he was president?! It all went to shit, Dream! You even sided with Jschlatt during the war, Sapnap and George following you because they thought you were their friend! You exiled Tommy and threatened Tubbo- And now what?! Everything is your fault Dream!" Quackity yelled and Dream's eyes widened behind the mask. At that moment he was really grateful for the piece of plastic covering his face... He didn't like that he wasn't good at covering his emotions when he didn't have a mask. His eyes and face gave away too much... Even now his eyes hurt because of the tears that were pushing at the back of his eyes and his jaw was clenched.

"Come on... He's not worth it George. He's said what he said. He doesn't care about anything but himself and the discs. He doesn't really care about us. He made that very clear," Sapnap said and George just sighed and nodded. Sapnap gave Dream a nasty glare and nothing else, turning around and walking away down the path. George on the other hand looked at Dream for just a little bit longer... Right before turning around and leaving the blonde standing there all alone. Quackity looked at Dream with a glare that rivaled Sapnap's turning to follow the other two.

"I do care about you guys and I did those things because I didn't want certain things to happen! I have a reason for everything I do- What the hell is wrong with you?! You both are my best friends!! We've been through so much together!- We've fought every single war by each other's side. Now you're just throwing it all away like it's nothing...?" Dream asked looking down at the ground, not wanting to watch the three walk away in disgust. They hated him now... Just then George stopped in his tracks not even looking at Dream when he spoke.

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