Chapter 16 :)

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All of a sudden a hand was placed on the ghost's right shoulder, the blonde letting out a surprised gasp at the sudden touch. Dream tried his best not to flinch as he quickly shook his head, trying to clear his mind the best he could, the voice still trying to get him to listen and obey. But soon the voice was just a mere echo in the back of his head, the thing getting weaker and weaker the more he ignored it. The blonde soon became strong enough to open his eyes, even if it was just a bit. He brought his arms down to his side as he let out a sigh, his head quiet for once. Dream slowly looked up, his vision a little blurry as the sun shined in them. He blinked a few times before actually looking at the people who had called out his name, the black silhouette of two figures looming over him. But when the ghost was able to see his breath got caught in his throat... Standing there was George and Sapnap, both of them looking very concerned. They weren't wearing any armor and their usual weapons were nowhere in sight. It was just the three of them...

Just like it used to be.

"Dream...?" George repeated a little quieter this time as he used his free hand to move his white goggles to his forehead. A small smile crossed George's face when Dream let out a small hum, looking his old friend in the eyes. "Hey, Dream- Are you alright? Sapnap and I saw you floating down the path from his house, and you were talking to yourself. Then you got all panicked and stuff. We both got pretty worried and decided to follow you to check in on you... Good thing we did that, right?" George asked, trying his best to make light of the situation the three were clearly in. Sapnap just stood to the side of the two, wanting to give them both some space to talk. He was somewhat out of everything as he watched the two interact, not know what to really do. He was still feeling pretty weak from what happened in the bakery and this was his first time out of the house since the incident. Dream could sense the awkwardness between all of them, to be honest they were all practically drowning in it.

"Y-Yeah... Thanks for helping me, George... Thank you both," Dream said as he looked over to Sapnap and shot him a gentle smile. Sapnap was shocked that Dream had even acknowledged that he was there. Back then Dream barely even talked to him, treating him just like another pawn in his huge plan. "Y-You know? Since you're both here... Do you think we can talk? I've been wanting to have a conversation with you two but I haven't been able to get to you both. Maybe we could go somewhere? We could go to where all those lanterns are set up near L'manburg!" Dream offered and Sapnap and George shared a look. Dream was nervous that the two would say no and walk away. But in the end they both looked to Dream and nodded, Dream smiling as he lead the way towards L'manburg the best he could.

The walk was silent and it seemed like it was only the three of them in the whole town. They saw no one as they walked to the middle of L'manburg. Soon Dream looked up and smiled, the red, white, yellow, and blue lanterns floating up in the sky above them. Dream sat down on one of the bridges, his legs dangling over top the huge crater L'manburg was built on top of. The blonde looked back at his two companions and waved them over, patting the two spots next to him. The two couldn't help but smile as they remembered the simpler times... When the three of them would just hang out and joke around and at the end of it all they would watch the sunset. Sapnap and George soon joined him, both sitting on either side of the ghost. They all stay silent for a little longer, all of them bathing in the sunlight. But they knew they would have to say something eventually, so Dream was the one to take the first step.

"I- I'm really sorry... To the both of you," The ghost said suddenly, making the two males on either side of him give him a weird look. Dream took in a deep breath as he looked down into the large crater below his feet, staring at the destruction that was once there before it was built on top of. "I know that I probably don't remember as much as you hope I did... I barely even remember your names before I came here to L'manburg. But I'm trying my best to get better. I just wanted to say sorry right now... I also know that when I say sorry you probably don't even think I mean it... You know, because I barely remember the reason I'm saying sorry? But I know that I hurt you both... So I'm sorry," Dream said at almost a whisper, George and Sapnap barely hearing the blonde's words. Dream started fiddling with his hands as he sat there, waiting for either of them to say something. But after a few minutes Dream thought they were expecting him to say more. The ghost sighed and opened his mouth to speak again.

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