♡︎Chapter 12♡︎

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Have fun with this one everyone! But you might want to take notes during this chapter... A lot of lore is here- Anyways! Have fun! :)


Tubbo was dragged by Tommy out of his office and outside, the brunette flinching a bit as he brought his arm up to his face to block the bright sunlight. Tommy chuckled a bit and apologized immediately for the sudden change before continuing to lead his best friend around. It felt nice being outside, the fresh air making Tubbo's lungs sting a bit as he took in deep breaths. Once Tubbo's eyes got used to the light he looked around and saw that Tommy was leading him towards the bee farm. Barely anyone was outside at the moment and Tubbo could see that some of his bees haven't woken up yet. But he could also spot Quackity and Fundy waiting in front of it just like they did yesterday. The two waved at the teens as they met them halfway, both of them looking over at Tommy and Tubbo with surprise. Before the two could say anything Quackity started to laugh and Fundy facepalmed, being the first to speak.

"I didn't think he could do it...! Wait- Dang it! I guess I owe Quackity a few iron ingots now... That sucks. I really needed that extra redstone for some builds too," Fundy complained and Quackity just laughed, patting the hybrid on the back before turning to Tommy and Tubbo. The two were looking at them with confusion, Fundy explaining quickly what was going on. "We made a bet to see if Tommy could get you out of your office for a bit or not. Quackity and I have been trying for weeks and we haven't been able to do anything. That's why we sent Tommy to your office instead so he could give you your coffee. We knew if it was anyone else you would've said no. You even said no to Ranboo a few times! If I did win I would've gotten some more redstone for projects but instead Quackity was right... Sorry for doubting you Tommy," Fundy said as he nervously smiled, the blonde rolling his eyes before giving him a gentle slap to the arm. But soon they all started laughing, everything feeling a lot lighter.

"We were planning to help Niki clean up her bakery this morning. The ice melted overnight and everything but the place is practically flooded because of all the melting ice. She needs help repairing the water damage and getting some of the flooding under control. But first we need to go pick up Ranboo at his and Tubbo's house. He said he wanted to come help with us. Then I've also got to drop off some food to Karl and Sapnap at the house. Karl is taking care of Sapnap while I keep working around L'manburg and stuff," Quackity explained as he watched Fundy turn to dig around in his inventory. "Fundy also said he wanted to grab some flowers for Dream. Maybe we can get some after we help Niki since Puffy does run a flower shop," He finished and Tommy just stared at his three friends in front of him.

"Am I the only one who is single in the group- Like what the hell?!" Tommy yelled and the three around him burst into laughter. Tommy was doubled over laughing as he held his stomach, his ribs burning a little bit. Tubbo was about to prove the blonde wrong but was stopped by Tommy, the blonde holding a hand in front of Tubbo's face. "You have no place to speak out of all of us Tubbo- You're married!!! Married!! Do you think I'm blind?! Techno, Phil, and Ranboo started talking a little bit after he joined the server! Plus I've noticed the matching rings on both of your horns. I don't give a shit if it is platonic or not- You're still married. Then we have Quackity with his two fiances or boyfriends- or whatever's going on over there. Then Fundy has a promise ring with a ghost! What about me guys! Stop leaving me behind! Dang it guys!" Tommy joked as he hit them all, laughing to the point where they could barely breathe.

"But anyways... Where do you both live? I haven't really seen much of New L'manburg since we all got caught up with Dream yesterday. All I've seen is the Christmas Tree, which is really cool by the way, and some of the other cool builds on the way to Niki's bakery," Tommy said as he rubbed the nape of his neck. It wasn't until the blonde noticed the three teens around were uncomfortable when he spoke again.

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