☂︎︎Chapter 8☂︎︎

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"Try and keep up with me Dream- I don't want you to get lost in the forest. We've got to get back to L'manburg as fast as possible before they send out a search party and look in the woods- They can't find the cabin. Also... Do you remember what to say when we get back to L'manburg and see everyone?" Quackity asked as he packed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder with a small grunt of effort. He then turned to the small blonde ghost who nodded happily. Quackity raised an eyebrow and Dream smiled proudly as he recited what he had to say to the others. Quackity knew that Jschlatt had given Dream something to say when anyone asked him where he had been for the past few hours. It was practically night time, the sun getting ready to set over the horizon, the sky slowly turning a light shade of orange and red.

"I ran away because I was really stressed and everything was too much... But I'm ok now! Quackity found me while he was hunting and getting wood for another build and helped me home!" Dream said happily and Quackity couldn't help but smile. He reached up and ruffled the ghost's white hair. He kinds of regretted reaching for the ghost as his hand immediately got cold when he touched the blonde locks. But he could tell Dream liked the contact, the ghost probably being touch-starved out of his mind...

"Alright, that's a really good Dream! Again I can't stress this enough with you Dream- Remember that this cabin doesn't exist and neither does Jschlatt to anyone who lives in L'manburg. You can come and visit this place whenever you want but you can never bring anyone here. I know you and Wilbur are really close but you can't even bring him here," Quackity explained and Dream nodded once again in understanding. Jschlatt had told him earlier that Dream was sad that Jschlatt couldn't meet his other friends... But this was necessary for everyone's safety.

Quackity sighed and then took in a deep breath. He didn't know how to explain the new symbol on his jacket but he would explain the issue when someone asked him a question. Maybe no one would notice or even care. It wasn't out of the ordinary that people would change what they wore every once and awhile. But still... He didn't want anyone coming for Jschlatt since the ghost was now peaceful and not able to hurt anyone. He was actually kind and all the evilness from when he was president was completely gone. Maybe one day Quackity would try to get Jschlatt to come with him back to L'manburg and back to the SMP... Maybe he could make amends with everyone and live a somewhat normal life as a ghost. But for now they're hiding the cabin and the ghost ram hybrid.

"You two stay safe ok? I'll see you later Quackity!" Jschlatt called as Quackity walked closer to the front door, Dream floating behind him. Jschlatt hugged Dream tightly and waved goodbye to Quackity as the teen opened the door. Dream immediately flew outside, happily looking up at the sky and the fading clouds. The air wasn't too cold but since it was almost Christmas it was a little chilly. L'manburg never really got snow and when it did it wasn't a lot. Usually it would melt later that same day or the snow would be too watery. But everyone was fine with a green christmas... But Dream didn't look bothered by the temperature and Quackity always had his own jacket. They were about to head off it to the forest towards home. But before they could get completely out of the house Jschlatt spoke again.

"Hey Quackity! You're sleeping over with your other roommates tonight right? Sapnap, George, and Bad... Those are their names right? Oh! And tell Karl and Sapnap hi for me please!" He called from the doorway and Quackity paused for a second. Oh yeah... Sapnap, George, and Bad were rooming in the house he had built in L'manburg. They were there... He had almost forgotten about those three even though they all lived in the same house. He was even dating Sapnap with Karl, having been dating for a while now and being in an open relationship. Yet he almost flinched at the names that Jschlatt had spoken. George and Sapnap had been so bipolar when Dream had first disappeared. To Quackity and Karl, Sapnap had never been the same. He still remembered how the two acted when Dream flew off.

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