☕︎︎Chapter 11☕︎︎

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Dream loved his first day in L'manburg with everyone. Other than his little breakdown in the forest everything was going great. He met Tubbo, Fundy, Quackity, Eret, Niki, and Puffy in the bakery with Tommy and Ghostbur and made friends with almost everyone as soon as he talked to them. Even though he did freak out and ran into the forest alone, he had met Schlatt which was a happy moment for Dream. The Ran hybrid was like the father he never had... It was nice to have someone to look up to. He had even bonded with Quackity a bit, the teen helping him understand a few things about his past and about himself. He even gained the confidence to maybe talk to George and Sapnap in the close future. He then met both Sam and Punz, gaining a cool necklace from the blonde teen. Finally he made up with Fundy, making the old engagement rings into promise rings instead for the future. The blonde ghost couldn't help but fiddle with the ring that hung around his neck, getting comfort from the piece of jewelry. Dream was actually happy and felt like he had a family that he couldn't lose. It was great!

But now he was lonely again... Sitting alone during the middle of the night.

The ghost sat there at the docks of L'manburg, overlooking the water as he watched the fish swim by. He remembered arriving here with Tommy and Ghostbur yesterday, having to hide underneath a blanket which wasn't too fun. But that was in the past. Dream watched as the water was magically glowing because the almost full moon above him, the sun had disappeared hours ago, and the stars lit up the sky. Dream wished he could fly up in the sky and touch the clouds. But there he sat on the docks, leaning back on his hands. His feet were barely hanging over the water, afraid that he might freeze it over if he did end up touching it. But he didn't mind just watching the water much in the end, fine with not touching anything. He was content with just watching the fish simply swim by. As a ghost he didn't need to sleep and he didn't need to eat much either... Ghosts having the choice between choosing if they eat, sleep, and do other things normal people do. But Ghostbur was somewhere beyond Dream's knowledge and Dream didn't want to travel all the way through the forest at night to just hang out with Jschlatt. He also didn't want to bother Fundy, who was sleeping like everyone else was.

He thought he was going to be all alone until someone found him in the morning, expecting someone like Tommy to come get him and bring him home. But instead Dream heard someone walking on the wooden path near the docks, Dream's head shooting up with attention. He didn't think anyone would be up at this time of night, everyone wanting to avoid mobs and dumb phantoms. The blonde ghost looked over to see something running around the wooden path of L'manburg, the dull emerald eyes looking around as he tried to figure out what was going on. He slowly started to float above the ground, standing up from his spot near the open water. His feet were floating a few inches off of the ground as he followed the sound he had heard, making his way towards the oak path. The ghost almost yelped when he watched a shadow run towards one of the tunnels the path ran through, the figure hiding behind the long vines hanging over the tunnel. Dream was about to just ignore whatever it was that startled him, but something in the back of his mind was yelling at him to go investigate. He sighed, knowing that he might regret this later as he slowly approached the tunnel, pushing the vines aside.

"The things I put myself through... I'm probably going to regret this later. Wilbur is gonna be so mad at me if I get hurt..." Dream mumbled to himself as he peeked his head into the barely lit tunnel. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary... I mean it's just a simple tunnel going through a small hill. The only source of light was the weak lantern and some of the light from the sky that ended up flowing inside. As he entered the tunnel heard something rustling in the bushes near the far wall of the tunnel, the bushes moving quite a bit. Dream sighed and slowly approached the bush, pushing away the plant with his hand. The ghost ignored the feeling of fear slowly making its way through his body, squinting as he tried to figure out who was in front of him. He gasped when he saw a young zombie pigman sitting there on the ground, knees pressed against his chest while he looked at Dream, eyes wide.

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