~ Chapter 15 ~

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"Dream! Where the fuck have you been?! You scared the shit out of me! Philza told me I've got to take you home by the end of the week!" Tommy yelled as soon as he spotted the ghost wandering around the prime path, heading towards Niki's bakery the best he could. He spotted the blonde teen, Fundy and Quackity walking behind him. Ranboo and Tubbo were further behind, all of them glad that the ghost had been found. Dream smiled at the sight of Tommy, the two hugging each other as soon as they were in arm's length. "Never scare me like that again damn it- None of us knew where you went and we didn't know if we were going to be able to find you- It's the middle of a hot afternoon Dream... You can't just go off on your own," Tommy said as he pulled away from the quick hug. Dream noticed how Tommy was a little more shaken than usual, but he shook it off.

"But like- Where in the world were you, man? We checked with Niki and she said you walked out of the bakery as soon as you finished with the icicles. But when we went out we couldn't find you anywhere," Quackity mentioned and Dream just shrugged as he nodded over in the direction of Antfrost's house. Everyone looked around at one another, confused on why Dream was over there. He was a ghost... He couldn't get injured and it wasn't even raining today. He had no bones or blood to everyone's knowledge. "Why were you over there? You don't have blood or anything right? The only people over there are Antfrost, of course, and Bad and- And Skeppy," Quackity said, his voice turning soft at the end as he thought of his friend. Everyone else looked down at the ground sadly at the mention of Skeppy. Yeah he was a prankster and he messed with almost everyone on the server, some getting mad at him for his pranks. But he was still family and now he was injured and put into a coma by the stupid egg that was now long gone. Some took it harder than others but it was a surprise to everyone, the egg seemingly coming out of nowhere.

"I- I was actually visiting Bad and Skeppy. I saw Bad heading over to the house and I was curious about what he was doing. So he let me join him! He told me about the egg and explained to me what happened to him and Skeppy! He even showed me the cool scar on the side on his face and told me some stories! It was awesome and he's really really nice," Dream explained, somewhat twisting the story as he spoke. He didn't want to tell them about the painful attack that he had, or about the voices just yet. But he didn't lie much, he really liked Bad and wanted to talk to him again soon. But he also wanted to talk to Tubbo and Fundy later in private about the strange voice in his head. Maybe he could talk to them a little bit before they left for the cabin at the end of the week.

"We just talked about a few things... I even remembered a few things about my childhood! I remembered how Sapnap, George, and I have known each other since we were kids and I learned that Bad was like a father figure to me! So was Skeppy! I had a pretty good time if you ask me. I even made Bad smile a bit! He seemed really happy when talking to me about pretty much anything," Dream said and everyone in front of him sighed and gave Dream grateful looks. Dream didn't truly know why... But deep down he knew that they were thanking him for giving Bad some sliver of hope. The small hope he needed to get through his grief as he waited for Skeppy to wake up. The demon was already going through enough as it is.

"Well... It's been fun... Honestly it has- But I've got to go and check up on Sapnap and Karl.l at the house. Sapnap's still a little sick but he's getting better. He even stood up yesterday! But we're still working on it. I can't leave those two alone for long you know? Especially with Karl's... Um- Condition... I'll see you guys later. Maybe we can hang out again soon!" Quackity said with a wavering smile and waved goodbye to the group, walking down the path towards his house. They all watched as their friend disappeared down the path, all of them left in silence. By Quackity's stance Dream could tell the man was sad as he walked away. He walked down the path with his head down, his hand shoved deep into his pockets. But the ghost didn't really say anything about the change in his mood. But Dream did have a very questioning and confused look on his face, everyone knowing what he was going to ask.

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