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"you've got another one coming you schizophrenic freak."

the moment i pulled away from raven's soft lips i notice ashlyn getting ready to charge at raven with a knife, i quickly pushed raven out of the way with my fast reflexes but was shocked when i noticed blood dripping from my own shirt.

i couldn't even process what had just happened, did i just get stabbed? i blinked continuously as i hear loud ear wrenching screams coming from both women.

"oh my god! jungkook baby i didn't mean it! i swear i was just angry." ashlyn started to pace around the living room and raven was still hurting from jungkook's push. "i meant to stab you. you little meddling brat where did you even come from?! go back to your pathetic ass one parent having family. you're the one who ruined our marriage!" ashlyn showed pure evil in here eyes as raven struggled to get back up.

"s-stop f-fighting ambulance." i tried to choke out. i was beginning to feel weak and i just felt myself collapse onto the floor.

"YOU STABBED HIM! YOU'RE CRAZY! i'm calling the cops on you." raven said with tears falling from her eyes as she rushed to the cellphone.

"oh no you won't bitch!" ashlyn ran after raven as she grabbed the phone before raven could. on the other hand jungkook could have swore he was close to death as he began to see stars.

"HE'S DYING CAN'T YOU SEE HE'S DYING BECAUSE OF YOU!" raven yelled as she couldn't get her crying under control.

"he's not dying he's still breathing! you're trying to send me to prison!" raven couldn't take it anymore and had to do what she had to do. "besides if he dies his money is mine. i'll be a widow hehe." ashlyn giggled.

all raven could do was stare in disbelief that someone was actually this mentally insane and this was coming from someone who was actually mentally disturbed. raven ended up punching ashlyn square in the nose, pretty sure she had broken it as blood dripped from it.

raven was completely angry now and nothing, nor no one could stop her. all she could see was red and it was as if she had finally let her brain take over. she punched, and punched each bone inside ashlyn's face causing it to be distorted. jungkook watched it all with blurred vision but he knew if he didn't try to call the ambulance himself he would die.

he crawled to the nearest house phone wincing with each step and coughing up blood but as raven noticed her anger quickly vanished as she realized she was literally beating ashlyn to death. raven left ashlyn laying where she was and rushed to the phone for jungkook.

"911 what's your emergency?" the lady on the other end said. jungkook was laying on the ground losing consciousness with each slow breath he took.

"uhh my friend he's been stabbed and he's bleeding to death i need an ambulance here quickly please hurry!! he's going to die if you don't come quickly!!" raven said crying with every word and her knuckles were bloody and bruised from fighting. "and please send the police here because the one who did it is still here!"

"okay calm down hun can we have your name and the address?"

"my name is raven santos and i'm on bluehorn avenue house number 876, p-please come quick I'm begging you. i don't want him to die!" raven crouched down on her knees as she held jungkooks bloody hand in hers. he struggled to keep a glance at her.

"alright ms. santos the ambulance and police will be there shortly. stay on the line for me ok hun? how is your friend doing now?"

"he's still breathing but he's losing consciousness." i choked. jungkook forced a painful smile.

"ok good now just talk to him sweetie make sure he stays alive."

"ok. jungkook? jungkook stay awake for me ok. i'm getting you help ok?" ravens voice trembled as she watched her new found happiness cling to life.

please don't do this too me again, please don't take another person away from me! i'm begging you, please!

raven repeated in her brain multiple times as she was slowly losing hope.

"r-rae?" jungkook breathed out slowly.

"kookie?" jungkook smiled softly.

"i said i'd be your cure right?" jungkook looked up at the ceiling.

"yes." raven laid her head on jungkooks shoulder.

"then i'm gonna k-keep my promise. i'm going to cure you, so p-please have faith in me."

raven lifts her head and just stares at the boy she was so grateful to meet. his eyes so full of pain yet so full of joy those same eyes she had after meeting him. she remembered her first session with him, she remembered karaoke night, she remembered the movies, she remembered hating his sarcasm but now she loves it so much, she remembered him sneaking out of her window. she's never met someone like him before, someone who accepts her for all her flaws.

is this what the normals call "love at first sight"? she thought.

"i have faith in you jungkook." as she said the sound of many sirens and lights were heard and seen.

the doors swung open with the stretcher already ready and policeman picking ashlyn from off of the ground as they threw her in the back of the police car. they take jungkook out of his home and put him in the back of the ambulance, raven staying with him at each second. all she could replay in her mind was jungkooks words.

"so p-please have faith in me."

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