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it's been about a week so that means it's monday and i had to start going to the fucking psychiatrist again.

"BEEP, BEEP, BEEP!" i hit the horn in frustration, i hated talking to people about myself, what am i kidding i hate my own self.

i pulled up to the new building i was going to be going to for my issues from now on using my gps of course to get here. this place looked like bougie people worked here. it was built nicely; i guess that's a bonus i don't know.

the building read "Dallas Behavioral Healthcare Hospital". i hated having two mental disorders it made me feel like a weirdo. why couldn't i just be born normal?

as i entered a lady at the front desk checked me in, i told her all of my information and that i was a transfer.

"oh yes! your doctor is dr. jeon jungkook." i shook my head knowing i already knew his name. she escorted me to a room that no one was in.

"nobody's here?" i questioned.

"dr. jungkook is on break at the moment he should be here in about 10 mins. just have a seat and he'll be right with you shortly." she smiled but i didn't smile back. she left me here and i admired the room.

"this guy really likes his football." i say to myself. i glanced at a photo on his desk of a white woman, well she's young and pretty i thought to myself.

i just say here staring at the ceiling until the door creeped open. i turned to look behind me and holy mother fucker...he can't be my doctor, this has to be my doctor's son or something. he looked too young, too good.

"well hello ms. santos, i'm jeon jungkook nice to meet you." no fucking way that was him, ok world you can stop with the jokes now it's getting old! he held out his hand to shake mine.

"call me raven not ms. santos, i'm not old, a teacher, or married." i say with a straight face. he laughed at me but none of which i said was a joke.

"well ok raven tell me a little about yourself?" he said leaning on his desk to focus on me. this man was too good looking. i still believe this is a joke.

"what do you wanna know?"

"your age, your birthday, simple things like that." he shrugged. pushing his hair back. i can't get over this shit why was he so attractive? i expected some fat old pervert, not a honka honk. "tell me about you, i'll tell you about me."

"why can't you tell me about you first?" he raised his eyebrows and chuckled slightly.

"ok fine, i'll tell you about me." he fixes his tie and took off his jacket tux; damn his muscles in that white shirt. "ok i'm 22 years old, i'm married been married for 2 years, i have a pet hamster named lucy, i do online college, i like going to the gym and working out." i can tell. "i sometimes do karaoke when it's karaoke night, cause i can sing a little." he chuckled. "and whatever you wanna know about me you're going to have to find out on your own." he smiled.

"you're an active person...a happy person."

"eh, i try to be." he assures.

"well i'm 19, i used to volunteer at the vet back at my old home, i don't usually go outside unless it's to drive to the grocery store or go to work. the most i do is sit at home and watch tv. going out isn't my thing and most likely will never be." i say truthfully; he just glared at me.

"hmm...maybe we can change that one day, right?"

"wrong." he laughed again...why does he keep laughing?

"you're a funny girl."

"no i'm not; everything i say is serious."

"well that makes it even funnier." what?

"anyways how are you so young and successful?" i ask actually genuinely confused.

"i work hard that's all i'm gonna say." i roll my eyes and sigh. "you're not the friendliest person are you?" i shrug

"i guess not."

"well that needs to change." excuse me?

"excuse me?"

"you need a friendlier attitude." he said scratching the back of his head. who was he to tell me what i needed? "i'm not trying to sound rude or anything i sense you're not used to human interaction and i can help you with that." he let off a nervous smile. i sighed and just looked down at the floor.

"i guess." was all i mumbled. the rest of the session we got to know each other a little better. i guess he wasn't that terrible of a person.

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