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"i'm upset this will be our last time seeing each other raven." my psychiatrist said writing on his stupid notepad. he was and old creeper who honestly couldn't do his damn job right.

"yeah." was all i said. i had to deal with this guy for seven years i was used to his perverted actions. "i'm glad to get away from here."

"is that so? tell me why exactly?" he grinned with his chipped up teeth.

"this town is trash with trash people living in it." i wanted to go home already to pack the rest of my boxes up, i was sick of looking at this fool.

"that's no way to talk raven, won't you miss me when you go?" he didn't stop that weird grin of his.

"eh." i shrugged. he didn't say anything but sighed instead.

"well raven i have a present for you since you will be leaving." he spoke out reaching behind his chair to reveal a gift bag. "care to open?"

i sighed and grabbed the gift bag, crumbling the gift paper and pulling out a card. i looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

"well go on open her up." he excitedly says watching my every move.

i opened the card and it was a pop up card, seriously i'm not fucking five. it read.

"i'm going to miss having deep conversations with you and deep conversations about your desires. i hope your trip will be safe and you make friends there that will help you along your journey. always remember i will support you and nothing can get in the way of your dreams." - sincerely, dr. donny.

"thanks for the card." was all i said, i may be coming off a little harsh but honestly this man has always been super weird around me. i once thought he wanted to screw me after work.

"no problem but you have another gift in there." he pointed at the gift bag motioning for me to look inside. so i did.

i pulled out a black jewelry box and opened it, it was an emerald bracelet and it had my initials engraved in was beautiful but should i wear it? i mean it's coming from this pervert?

"so do you like it?" he questioned.

"yeah i like it." i never usually showed much emotion when i spoke everything i said was monotone, cause honestly i don't care about much of anything anymore.

"well that's a good thing, sadly our session is coming to an end." he smiled. "shall we hug since you will be leaving?" is this man serious.

" but thanks for the gifts." i said packing up my belongings. he looked hurt but i didn't care. he knew not to egg me on because i will get angry real quick.

"you're welcome and have fun!" he happily cheers as i waved him off and left out to my car.

i rushed home and the uhaul was parked in front of our home sitting nice and ready to be loaded. i greeted my dad when i saw him walking outside loading boxes onto the truck.

"hey babygirl, how was your last session?" he asked giving me a hug.

"lame, he gave me a gift though." i say holding up the gift bag.

"oh come on raven don't be so mean...sometimes you gotta let people be nice." he said with a big smile.

"yeah whatever." i say not caring as i walked inside to load my own boxes.

i was going through different things in my room when i came across a picture of my mom, my dad, and i. oh the good times before she got cancer and passed away. it's always been me and my dad ever since. i had no friends during high school cause everyone was scared of me, knowing i had schizophrenia. they always feared that i'd end up turning crazy on them like i was some type of ape.

i mean there were times girls complimented me cause i won't lie i was pretty attractive, not in a conceited way but i knew i was. but, they never thought to become my friends.

i've only had one official boyfriend but that was when i was eleven. he was a white boy and he had hazel brown eyes and tan brown hair. but you know how kids are they get bored and move on. after that boys tried to stay away from me, they said i was either "too depressed." or "too mentally unstable." so i gave up on looking for one.

i picked up the box and carried it outside to the truck.

"good thing i started with the furniture." my dad said with a laugh. "my arms are tired." i just faked a smile to not seem to uninterested. "are you almost done with your stuff?" he asked.

"yeah just 2 more boxes and we can get away from this dump." i say with my hands in my pockets as i walked back inside to grab those last two small boxes.

i looked at the house one last time before going outside and getting into my car. we had to drive all the way to texas and i was already dreading it. i hated driving for long but to get away from this place i'll do anything. my dads car was hooked onto the back of my car and we both pulled off, him obviously driving the uhaul. this is going to be crazy.

so i change my mind i wanna write this book now cause i'm too excited lol, i was gonna wait but oh well🤷🏾‍♀️

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