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"there is thunder in our hearts"

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"there is thunder in our hearts"


it's been about three days since the stabbing from ashlyn and me laying in the hospital bed getting my wound operated on. my patients, my job, my friends, my parents all were notified of this and constantly brought me flowers, cards, balloons, food, anything you could think of. i even thought of my hamster lucy and wondered if my parents had been feeding her like i asked. it's only been three days but it felt like eternity in Hell being here i missed my regular life.

i hated being pitied by people especially when i wouldn't trade this incident for anything if it meant to keep raven safe.

ahhh yes...raven. she was currently sitting on the edge of the bed gazing up at the television that played 90s sitcoms. she has been here everyday making sure i was okay i eventually assured her to go home to her dad so that he wouldn't stress himself out about her, she listened...until she came back about two hours later.

i mentally laughed at her persistence but at the same while it gave me butterflies to know someone cared about me after all. she explained everything to her father he didn't care that she was seeing me secretly but more that she was safe all thanks to me. he couldn't stop thanking me enough to the point he offered to pay my medical bill. of course i insisted that wasn't necessary and that he didn't need to repay me in any way, shape, or form.

"oh you're awake finally." raven spoke up as she climbed further on the bed kicking her feet up too.

"yeah, just thinking about things." i said with a grin.

"thinking about what?" she said while removing lint from my hospital gown.

"you." her eyes instantly gravitated upwards.

"me? what could you possibly be thinking about when it comes to me." she buried her face in the blanket.

"just your good nature despite everything that's happened. you've been there for me the most. i wanna thank you." raven shook her head.

"no kookie i want to thank you because you sacrificed yourself for me." raven's mind fluttered back towards the kiss that jungkook and her shared. she couldn't believe she had forgotten that because of the events recently. the heat rising in the apples of her darkened cheeks. "jungkook?"

he was already looking at her in awe and delight hoping to kiss her again and again...and again.

"yes rae?" he leaned up off of the bed to get closer to her.

"y-you kissed me....remember?" she was too shy to even speak of it.

"yes and i loved it...a lot." raven didn't know why but a tear rolled down her face. maybe it was because a man finally wanted her for her, maybe it was because that was her first kiss, or maybe it was because it was with someone she was secretly falling in love with. "i want to kiss you again if i'm being honest here." he didn't smile he held no sign of emotion in his face....but only through his eyes.

you could see how much he wanted the woman in front of him. for once he was thankful that God showed him ashlyn's vile nature because for him this was meant to all happen so that he could meet the right one....raven.

"kiss me again." he demanded more than a question.

"huh?" her eyes narrowed in surprise of the sudden forcefulness.

"i said kiss me raven."

"but we're in the hospi-"

"i don't care i want you to kiss me." she blinked a few  times before slamming her lips into mine.

this kiss was way different than the first time it was more hungrier, faster, needier, yet passionate. their lips synced perfectly with one another and you could definitely feel the longing of one another. the constant holding back on each other was finally released.

raven was the first to pull away panting for air and the overwhelming sensation of these foreign emotions. jungkook only watched her with intent and his chest moving up and down from lack of breath.

"i'm so glad i met you in this lifetime." he said grabbing her cold yet shaky hands. "you're so beautiful." she didn't know what to say instead she indulged herself in jungkook's arms to which he rubbed her back as she cried in on his chest.

" jungkook, no you're an angel sent from Heaven just for me."



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