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the morning i woke up i was in an unfamiliar bed and at first i was unaware of my surroundings because you know once you wake up your mind is in the gutter. i felt around the area and a body was laying right next to me. oh damn. that's right i fell asleep at raven's house after we finished our game.

i need to get heading home before my wife finds out i stayed here last night. was my wife even home? ugh i'm going to get into a bad argument about me leaving all night. i quickly got up and put my shoes on.

"good morning." the higher voice spoke out of no where. i turned to see raven looking at me.

"good morning rae. i'm heading home ok?" she frowned a bit but then the corners of her lips turned upward.

"do you need a ride? you didn't drive here last night." i shook my head side to side.

"no i'll just walk. i don't need my wife coming to anymore conclusions about us."

"wait she comes to conclusions about me and you? she thinks you're cheating on her with me?"

"well yes...but to be fair she thinks i'm cheating on her with everyone, even men sometimes if i look at them for too long." i chortled a bit thinking about the insecurities my wife has.

"oh. that sucks." raven's eyes were wondering around her room.

"yeah but i have to get ready for work soon." i sighed. honestly not in the mood to work today.

"yeah....not to sound greedy but can i have the last bit of chicken alfredo?" the way she spoke silently and shyly caused me to laugh. "shhh jungkook my dad doesn't know you're here." i quickly covered my mouth forgetting her father was off of work by now.

"sorry and of course you can have it." i whispered throwing my coat on. "so like should i climb out of the window? man i feel like a teenaged boy escaping his girlfriends house." i lowly snorted to myself and raven just looked at me weird.

"get out of my house goofball." she playfully shook her head and pointed to the window.

"i'm scared to go home." i truthfully said. "she's about to raise all hell."

"not my problem boomer." i rolled my eyes at her and opened the window finally climbing out of it.

"bye love." i winked.

"stop calling me that!" she whispered and after that statement i jumped down hitting my back on some branches.

"fuck!" i yelped in pain, raven rushed to the window but soon playfully shook her head again.

"are you ok? you're such an idiot." she giggled.

"yes i'm ok now goodbye....love." before she could open her mouth to say anything else i took off running.

she was going to be mad about me calling her that again but oh well. the temperature was so nice out this morning it wasn't to cold or windy; just right. the little birdies were chirping and the sun was shining on the streets. i didn't know why but i was still running it made me feel calm especially with this sunny weather.

once i arrived home my happiness soon faded knowing i was about to get my ass scolded. maybe even have pots and pans thrown at me like she usually did when she was mad. i took my house keys out of my pocket and to be honest my fingers were shaking.

the moment i came in it looked exactly like i left it last night, it was dead silent in here. no lights were on and it was as if no one was here. i searched around the home and when i made it to my bedroom no one was there either.

i pulled out my phone to call ashlyn. the phone just rang and rang soon going to voicemail. where was she at? i mean i know i left last night but ashlyn did this all of the time. staying all night out whenever she got mad at me. i hope she's ok at least.

i stopped giving thought to it and got ready for work. i wasn't going to be seeing raven today since she only had three days out of the week. i really didn't feel like going to work today i needed a longer break.

an hour had passed and i was now getting inside of my car to drive to work. making sure to get my morning client a drink and some breakfast of course. my morning client for friday's was an older hispanic women by the name of rosalina.


"i'm happy to see you're doing much better rose." rose was her nickname.

"thank you jungkook...you always know how to make things better." her heavy accent made her english pronunciation sometimes hard to understand but luckily i could understand the frustration she had; since i was born in korea.

rosalina was born in guatemala so when she came to texas she developed anxiety from not being able to properly adapt to her surroundings especially since she couldn't speak english at first. she has a bipolar disorder as long with anxiety disorder and i've been treating her for a very long time now.

she often flirted with me even though she was like nine years older than me; i always found it funny though. most of my clients flirted with me...except for raven which was kind of odd considering she's young like myself.

"well just make sure to keep taking your meds rose."

"ok anything for you doc." she smirked and i looked down bashfully.

"haha ok ms. rosalina." she exited the room.


it was getting around that time for me to lock up and get home. all of my clients came and now they were all gone. don't get me wrong i loved helping others but today i just wasn't feeling it. i was so ready to go home.

pulling into my driveway i noticed an unfamiliar car was parked in the back...that's strange. i thought. i unlocked the door to my home and i heard little noises coming from upstairs. i didn't think much of it until i realized...they were moans.

i rushed upstairs to my bedroom opening my door slowly. what i saw literally made me go pale.





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