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"babe did you hear i'm getting a new client in a week." i proudly say to my wife ashlyn.

"that's great."

she never showed much care for the things that made me happy in the last year. nothing i did was ever good enough for this woman. it was starting to bug the hell out of me.

"that's all your going to say is great?"

"what else do you want me to say jungkook? i'm happy for you." she continued to read her novel, i rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to pour me some hot tea.

all i knew was that my client had schizophrenia and depression. i didn't know her age, her height, her race, nada. i've dealt with a few people that had schizophrenia and it was always a challenge, but people with depression came in all the time.

my tea was boiling and i watched the bubbles form in the pot; it was late at night about 10:23 pm. i always stayed up late for some reason. i was always nervous to get new clients; i was nervous about everything actually.

the burner boiled my tea long enough so i turned it off and set the pot on a cold burner. i made my tea how i liked it adding a couple drops of lemon to it, and some sugar. i decided to sit on my porch and look at the stars above, it was pretty chilly but it wasn't anything i couldn't deal with.

this was peaceful, nothing's better than drinking something warm and enjoying the breeze during the night time. i looked over hearing some commotion coming from my neighbors.

"great not again." i say shaking my head. just when i thought i could get some peace around here these idiots have to come outside and start arguing.

i took that time to just go back inside to my horrible wife; i wouldn't even be surprised if she was cheating on me honestly. ashlyn was asleep now and the lights in the room were off. i got in bed and fell and laid next to her trying to wrap my arm around her but she just moved my arm off of her.

"i'm trying to sleep jungkook." i mentally groaned and turned the other way in agony. this woman hates me and for what? i don't even know.

[the next morning]

i woke up the sun shining through the blinds and i didn't feel ashlyn beside me anymore; she must of went to work. she doesn't even say bye to me anymore like she used to. i put the pillow over my face and then threw it on the floor.

"ugh i fucking hate it here." i say to myself. i got up to get ready for my own job.

i stared at myself in the reflection, did anyone else hate the way they felt in the morning? i washed my face with my facial soup and brushed my teeth. i got in the shower after that, making sure to shampoo my hair real good.

i usually wore a suit to work or a blazer. i decided to wear all black today.

i loved my job honestly, i loved helping people and showing people that life was amazing and you should always want to be here until it's time for you to go

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i loved my job honestly, i loved helping people and showing people that life was amazing and you should always want to be here until it's time for you to go. i checked myself one last time before leaving my house.

[meanwhile with raven and her dad]

"finally we reached our destination!" my back and hands were cramped and my foot was asleep. we drove all night basically. i was so glad to finally be here. i admired our new home it was much larger than our old one back in florida; that was good.

"hey sport, you feeling ok?" my dad said tapping on my glass.

"i just want to take a nap." i didn't feel like unloading anything; i wanted to go to sleep.

"well you have to unload and then you can nap." i rolled my eyes at my dad and got out of my car. i hated driving because every time i drove the voices in my head told me basically take the car and kill myself. i really had to fight the urge not to do it. this drive was torture for me.

3-4 hours later we got everything unloaded and unpacked. we didn't bother decorating we were to exhausted.

"i wonder if there's a dominos around here. i'm hungry, you hungry?" my dad said.

"yeah." he searched up the nearest dominos, ordered what we wanted and we waited for it to get here.

"oh by the way in about a week you'll have to go back to the psychiatrist...i already transferred you." ughhh i hate doing that shit, i hope i don't have another old geezer like mr. donny cause i swear if i do i'm making him my sugar daddy and i'm using him for money.

"don't remind me please." i sigh.

"his name is jungkook." i furrow my eyebrows together.

"jungkook? is he asian?" oh no, don't tell me he's an old asian geezer. "and i told you not to remind me."

"i don't know sweetie and stop getting so hostile with me." i was about to say something else but the knock on the door caught my interest. the pizza was here thank the lord.

i needed food, i needed sleep, and a damn break from life.

i never know what to say honestly but hope you enjoy this chapter ♡︎

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