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finally updating!

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finally updating!


they rushed jungkook into the hospital quick as possible making it very hard for me to keep up with him as they did. they insisted i waited in the waiting area but that was too much for me. i needed to be near him to make sure he was going to survive. i kept trying to replay his words in my head to remain faithful....but i've already seen so much in my short life to keep that promise.

taken the nearest seat to the entrance of where they rolled jungkook and crying in the process. i needed to tell my father about what happened, he's been blowing up my phone wondering where I've been anyways. this is going to be a handful to unpack but could i tell him i've been going over kookies house? he'd become suspicious and not to mention i had blood all over my knuckles, my shirt, my jeans to the point it looked like i stabbed him.

this didn't look good at all on my part especially since i'm his patient and not mentally stable but all i wanted was for him to be safe. at this point i didn't know what could happen! could i go to jail for beating someone nearly to death? were they going to send me to a different doctor? would they prosecute jungkook for his patient even being at his home on his off day?

so much fear in only two hours just because of one sick person who was greedy for his money. how could someone hate him so much?! I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND!

"are you ms. santos?" i wipe away my tears and turn to face a tall doctor.

"yes that's me." it was like i was on the top of the cliff waiting for whatever disaster this man had to say. he takes a deep sigh before tucking his pen behind his ear.

"mr. jeon jungkook is facing minor trauma to his abdomen he also lost a lot of blood. luckily he's really built so the knife didn't puncture as bad as it should considering where it hit. he will need a week of surgery though. may i ask who are you to him?" i relaxed in relief that it wasn't a major risk to his life but then the anxiety crept up with me.

"um...I'm his friend sir." i said lowly. what was i to him? a good question.

"ok, and you said his wife did this correct?" his wife. so undeserving of that title. i scoffed mentally.

"correct sir." he nodded his head.

"ok, the police will investigate this crime and will probably ask you some questions since you're a witness. in the mean time i will allow you to talk to your friend. he's in a lot of pain but he wanted to see you." i nodded my head and walked through the doors of the ER room.

i didn't care about the investigation, i didn't care about ashlyn, i didn't care about anything but jungkook. i finally make it to his room and there he was laying on the bed watching tv and drinking apple juice. i open the door and he turns to me slowly making sure not to move as much.

"raven i missed you." another tear rolls down my cheek as i just watched him watch me. "come here everything is fine. don't cry." i chuckle and shake my head.

"it's not jungkook. look at you right now i just want to hurt her so bad cause you didn't deserve this. you should have just let her sta-"

"shut up." jungkook stares at me with his eyebrows furrowed and his mouth pressed in a thin line. "you really think I'd let her crazy ass kill you in my home, in front of me?" i didn't say anything i was kind of embarrassed. it was like i was being lectured by my dad. "now i said come here."

i blush a shit tone before slowly making my way to his hospital bed and climbing into it. "you don't have to worry rae i will take care of all of this so don't you worry about any of it." he says wrapping his arm around my waist. "i'm just thankful you're here right now with me."

another tear rolls down my cheek and I tuck my head into the crook of his neck closing my eyes to the sound of his breathing as we fall asleep.

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