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"good morning raven!" i politely said leading her inside of my office. "so since you're now my morning client, i will bring you coffee and croissant sandwiches every morning unless you want different because you told me yesterday that's what you liked to eat in the mornings when i asked." she didn't smile but i didn't expect her too.

"thanks." was all she uttered before taking a seat on my comfy couch. i wasn't going to sit here and act like she wasn't intimidating; she showed little emotion to nice gestures and at the same time her beauty was powerful.

"no problem, so should i start off by asking how your morning went?" she sipped her coffee and sighed.

"it went well for the most part except whenever i drive the voices inside my head tell me to do reckless things."

"reckless things like what exactly?" i said biting my bagel. she hesitated to speak.

"things." yep, she's a closed off person; it's going to be hard to break her walls.

"listen raven, say what you need nothings going to go anywhere unless i feel there is a need. i want to help you; i know you're super depressed and i want to make you happy." she looked up from her sandwich and into my eyes.

"ok...they tell me things like..." she hesitated. "go kill yourself, you shouldn't be here, you should die like your mother did, or take your car and crash it." she bit her bottom lip. i sighed.

"well i want you to know that those voices aren't real; it's a figment of your imagination and you should never listen to them." she looked away from my glare. "raven...i don't usually say this type of stuff to my clients but you're an extremely attractive female and i know you mean well, please just try to not let those voices get to you."

all she did was look at me and blushed....wait! is she showing emotion? that's a start.

"yeah i know it's just hard cause it's everyday reminding me how worthless i am."

"but you're not worthless."

"but what if i am?"

"but you're not though." this was my second day with her and i could tell she puts up a fight when she felt something she believed it but i'm gonna change that. all she did was groan to herself.

"you're frustrating." she said cracking a smirk.

"oouuu was that a smile?" i teased.

"no." she looked away in embarrassment. i just chuckled to myself.

"so tell me what happened with your mother?" she sat her coffee down on the stand.

"she got cancer and it killed her." i raise my eyebrows.

"i'm sorry for your loss. do you ever talk about her to anyone?" i say calmly drinking my coffee.

"no, no one to talk with." she shrugged.

"that's why i'm here raven." she looked at me with confusion.

"you're way to nice and....normal." she let out a soft laugh, wow she does have feelings after all.

"what's that supposed to mean?" i furrowed my eyebrows and gave a half smile. "was i not supposed to be kind?"

"i, that's not what i'm saying. i'm just shocked you're so friendly." she shrugged again. i decided to play with her emotions to try to get her to react.

"well i'm not surprised you're kinda closed off." i teased; she looked up and furrowed her eyebrows. obviously getting annoyed.

"ok i take my compliment back you asshole!" she said and i couldn't help but burst out with a laugh. "why is everything so funny to you!"

"calm down raven i'm just messing with you." she didn't say anything instead she rolled her eyes. "anyways, i usually take my clients out for fun things and since you don't go out i'm gonna take you out to karaoke tomorrow night. you need human interaction."

she gave me a flat stare. "i don't need a goddamn thing." she spit off.

"well i'm sorry you're gonna have to get over it." i smirked. she groaned dramatically. i was trying to hold back a smile. "i'll pick you up from your home since i have your address."

"i can't even sing mr. jungkook."

"it doesn't matter it's all fun and games and also call me jungkook the rest of my clients call me jungkook. i like to have personal connections with my clients." she just nodded her head.

"so what time jungkook?" she emphasized my name.

"about 7:30 raven." i mocked.

"you're so annoying." she grinned and took another sip of her coffee.

"good that means i'm doing my job." i smiled and she just rolled her eyes again. "you know if you keep rolling those pretty brown eyes they're gonna get stuck." she just blinked at me.

"good that means i won't have to see your face properly anymore." she shot back.

i held my chest as if i was hurt. "ouch." she laughed. it's good to know she's showing a bit more personality. "sadly our session is almost over and my next client will be coming shortly. so see you tomorrow morning and be ready by 7:30 aye?" she got up from her seat and grabbed her bag of food and her drink.

"yeah whatever and could you bring me a tea tomorrow morning?" she asked.

"you got tea money?" i smirk. i was annoying the hell out of this girl and it was hilarious.

"you know what nevermind asshole!" she started to leave my office but i called her back.

"you know i was kidding raven of course i'll get you a tea." she stuck her middle finger up at me and left my office. i laughed to myself, this girl i swear.

lmao that song came on but enjoy this chapter loves.

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