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"hey jimin i know we haven't talked in like a week but i need to vent." jimin chuckled into the phone.

"yes jungkook-ah what you need?" this man always knew how to make me laugh even on a bad day.

"i think i like someone." silence filled the phone call for a split moment.

"already?" jimin sounded surprised and concerned.

"well i think i've already had a crush on her."

"is it that raven chick you go on and on about?" he laughed and my cheeks heated up at the obvious embarrassment.

"ok, jimin-ssi i don't go on and on about her." i complained.

"uh yes you do jungkook. last week you were ranting about how you got to stay over-"

"ok, ok we get it but yes it's raven. she's so sweet and thoughtful, well sometimes."

"that's risky jungkook."

"ok hyung, i know it is and she's strictly only my client but i really like her." i whined. "plus me and ashlyn are getting a divorce soon."

"listen jungkook, i'm with you regardless so if you like her go for it. just try not to get fired." i sighed softly into the phone as i thought of the possibilities i would have if anyone found out that i had feelings for my client.

there was something about raven that excited me and i always wondered why our personalities just clicked so well. she was starting to become a lot more open with me and i enjoyed that. she made the hole in my heart fuller and i loved being around her.

"you're right this is very risky but I'm just gonna take things slowly jimin and see how everything unfolds." i slumped back onto my couch and presses the pillow to my face.

"i gotta meet this raven i must make sure she's not another ashlyn waiting to happen. ashlyn always gave me phony vibes. i told you about that bitch i knew she wasn't no good from the start. but no one listens to jimin." he sighs.

"yeah you're right but me being the nice guy that i am ignored the red flags." i sighed and decided to drink another beer..

"so tell me about this raven girl? why does she need to go to you anyways?" jimin said leaning back on his couch.

"you know i can't discuss that type of stuff." jimin sucked his teeth.

"oh come on i'm your friend and i wanna know. plus i won't tell anyone." i sighed heavily again and gave into his pleading.

"well...she has schizophrenia and depression. her mother died so she struggles with grief and anxiety."  jimin just stares at me like i've lost my mind.

"and you wanna be with someone with that many issues? no offense to her but jungkook that seems like an emotional burden waiting to happen." i rolled my eyes.

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