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after the movies jungkook decided to take me for a walk. it was just now getting dark and it was slightly drizzling outside. we walked downtown and i seen stores i've never seen before.

"jungkook, are you sure you're ok?" he has been super tense ever since the movie ended.

"yes i'm just thinking about a lot right now." his chest moved up and down as a breath left his nose.

"want to talk about it?" i wrapped my arm around his arm and he intertwined his fingers with mine making me blush again. it looked as if we were a couple to the anonymous strangers passing by. he looked down at me and it seemed like he was hesitant to talk.

"ashlyn and i have been married for two years. i feel like i've been played as a joke and she was only using me for my money. i feel like the biggest loser there is." he admitted. his fingers tightened between mine making his nails dig into my skin a bit. it hurt but i knew he didn't do it intentionally.

"you're not a loser jungkook if anything she's the one who is a joke. anyone would kill to be married to you." i looked down at the wet cement hearing my own words. if that didn't make me sound jealous; what will? i was too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.

"raven? look at me." i acted as if i didn't hear him and kept my eyes on the ground. "look at me." he repeated picking my chin up.

my cheeks heated up from the amount of embarrassment i caused myself. jungkook's dark doe eyes sparkled from the store lights.

"why'd you say that?" he asked. i shrugged my shoulders up and down nonchalantly. "no i don't buy that. tell me why you said that." he demanded.

"cause..." i hesitated. "it's the truth." i tried very hard to dismiss this conversation. i still couldn't understand how someone could cheat on this man, he's handsome, funny, helpful, successful, and super fun. he definitely is teaching me how to live.

"raven, stop sugarcoating and tell me why you said that." jungkook held a serious tone and face. why was he so interested in what i felt?

"i told you because it's the truth. i mean who would ever want to cheat on you? it makes no sense." i admitted and his eyebrows raised.

"i don't know. i guess some people are evil." he looked down at the ground and kicked a pebble across the road.

a breeze of wind blew across my face and that's when i realized i still had jungkook's jacket on. i noticed goosebumps on jungkook's arm and instantly felt bad.

"do you need your jacket back?" i started to unzip the zipper but before i could pull it down jungkook stopped me.

"keep it." he smiled and my cheeks heated up once again.

"but you have goosebumps and your hairs are sticking up." i pouted and he cackled slightly.

"i'll be fine besides i don't want you to catch a cold. it is raining out here." i stared at jungkook for a few seconds admiring his clear skin.

"why are you so kind to me?" i asked feeling myself ready to tear up. he quickly looked down at me and stopped walking.

"because you deserve it everyone deserves someone kind."

"you do as well. jungkook you sit and let your wife treat you awful and you still go out of your way to be nice to everyone but what about yourself?" i wanted him to understand that it's ok to hurt peoples feelings for once, it's ok to say no, and it's ok to put yourself first.

"i guess i want to be treated the way i treat people." he wasn't looking at me instead he kept his head low like i did before.

without thinking i grabbed both of his cold hands and he finally looked at me with a pinkish face.

"i'll treat you like you're supposed to." i told him directly and his lips parted slightly before closing again. "you deserve happiness too and i'll gladly give that to you."

"raven." he started and bit down on his lip. "i want to do the same for you too. i know everything you're going through and i want to help you as much as i can. let me cure you?"

"and let me cure you." i said smiling a bit. jungkook noticed and smile formed on his face too.

"so what does this mean?" he asked scratching the back of his neck.

"you tell me." his cute bunny smile appeared on his face as he looked away shyly.

"let's roll with the punches." he said and i couldn't help but to blush.

"ok dr. jungkook."




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