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when i got home i put on black sweat pants and a black shirt but i didn't want to go out wearing that so i changed into something better. the time was now 6:45 and i thought about going to raven's early to go and get food first but i thought against it.

ashlyn was now laying on the bed watching me spray cologne on and brushing my hair.

"why you getting so dressed up jungkook?" she shook her head with an attitude.

"ashlyn please don't start with me right now, i told you i'm going to karaoke night." i said fixing my hair.

"yeah with some bitch you just met." she huffed.

"what is your problem? you know i do this all the time for my clients? and why she gotta be a bitch?"

"jungkook i can say what i want i'm grown." she said rolling her eyes and leaving the room. i sighed and grabbed my keys.

"yeah i'm getting the fuck out of here right now." i went downstairs and left the house without saying bye.

i didn't want to show up at raven's house an hour early. so i just parked my car somewhere else and sat there until the time rolled around.


"raven sweetie?" my dad asked peeking through my bedroom door.

"yes?" i said straightening the last section of my hair.

"not to sound like a pessimist but you just switched doctors and he's already offering to take you out to do fun stuff; isn't that a little weird?" he was concerned.

"not really he said he does this all the time with his clients." i shrugged and continued to do my hair; my makeup was already done and all i needed to do was put clothes on and perfume.

"oh, well i hope you have fun. what time is he coming here again?"

"7:30." my dad nodded and left my room. when i straightened my last piece of hair i turned my flat irons off and went to my closet to pick an outfit out.

i decided on this outfit...

i looked at myself one last time in the mirror before checking the time; jungkook should be here in like 10 minutes

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i looked at myself one last time in the mirror before checking the time; jungkook should be here in like 10 minutes. i wasted time by scrolling on instagram when i heard my downstairs doorbell ring.



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