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jungkookie dough

today was my day off of work i had the whole day to myself. i spent this time watching movies and catching up on shows i've missed like 'Riverdale' .

"jungkook are you cooking tonight?" ashlyn asked when she walked into the room with a towel wrapped around her body.

"sure what you want to eat?" i said turning the tv off.

"chicken alfredo." she flatly answers as she put on a night gown.


"you looked super happy last night." she fiddled with her hair and turned around to face me.

"yeah because i had fun at the karaoke bar."

"i bet you do."

"why do you always have to turn everything into a negative thing?" i said sighing.

"jungkook if you can't see that you going out with that girl until 10 at night is wrong then i don't know what to say."

"oh my god you never acted this way about any of my other clients why with raven? plus it's not wrong because it wasn't a date! stop overreacting!" i groan.

"you know what jungkook forget about dinner! i'll just go out an eat."

"what why!" she left the room without answering me. i didn't even bother to follow her. why is she so jealous? raven's my client and nothing more.

i heard the front door slam and i threw the pillow across the room. i can never have a break when i actually get one. i sat up on the bed and my eyes wondered off to the trophy that was sitting on the dresser. i smiled to myself as images from last night flooded my mind.

i hated being mad, sad, or any emotion that wasn't happy so i hooked up my bluetooth speaker again and let the music play. i didn't care if it was around 7 at night; i didn't care if people heard my music. i played 'heat' by chris brown and i got up to danced by myself.

"I WANNA GET EQUAL; ALL THAT ASS FOR MY PEOPLE!" i sung a long. i went downstairs to make my own dinner; the alfredo was already prepared i just had to put it in the oven.

what did she mean she's getting her own dinner? i rolled my eyes and changed the song using my phone. as soon as the song started i heard a knock on my she wants to come back home! i groaned and opened the door about to say something smart but it was...raven.

"raven?" my eyes widened at her. "how'd you get my address? and why are you here so late?"

she laughed. "you told me when you got drunk last night." i made a confused face. she made a cute smile and held up some board games.

"raven....?" i questioned her. it was late and this was my day off.

"i'm sorry i was just bored and you're the only person i know here so i figured maybe we could play board games? you and your wife. i'll leave-"

"no, no come in." i moved to let her come inside. "my wife left earlier she got mad at me. i don't know when she'll be back." i was nervous to let raven stay here because my wife could come here any minute. she already suspects i'm doing something with raven.

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