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i hated mornings; i hated feeling tired after waking up. i stumbled to our bathroom; i was still getting used to the feel of our new home. it was much more comfy here than our old one. but it's so fucking hot in texas.

i thought about jungkook as i brushed my teeth. he's quite the goofball always making stupid jokes. i chuckled to myself; he's the first person in a while to actually make me truly laugh and it felt kinda good. i got in my shower so i wouldn't be late for my conference. i go to him 3 days a week, i chose monday, tuesday, and wednesday's.

i was finished my shower and i went downstairs to see my dad cooking.

"you don't have to fix me breakfast jungkook said he's gonna get me breakfast every morning." my father squinted his eyebrows.

"he's that nice? and you haven't told me about him."

"yeah it's crazy right? but i'll tell you tomorrow cause he also wants to take me to karaoke tonight at 7:30." my dad raised his eyebrows.

"um ok is he your boyfriend or your psychiatrist?" he joked. i gave him a wink and left the house. he was probably plotting to change my doctors now.

i fucking hated driving so much but to block out my voices i turned my radio up and jammed out to the songs that were playing.

i made it to the hospital and parked my car. i walked in and checked in and walked to that famous room where my silly doctor was in. i saw him filling out papers. he looked up and noticed my presence he waved me inside.

"goodmorning raven, i like the outfit." he complimented putting his pen inside his desk.

"thank you." i wore grey tights and a white top.

"no probs, here's that tea you wanted

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"no probs, here's that tea you wanted." he handed me my ice tea and then a bagel sandwich.

"i decided to switch up on the sandwiches." he said. "so are you still going with me to karaoke?"


"stop being like that i promise it will be fun." he gave me a cheesy smile and i just shake my head. "so is there anything specific you want to talk about today?"

"i don't know."

"ok well start off by telling me is your mental health at least getting somewhat better?"

"no. never." i hated talking about myself; i was embarrassed to explain myself to people.

"why's that?" he furrows his eyebrows and i sigh.

"like i said i feel worthless, unimportant."

"explain to me why?" was that all he was going to say?

"because i have this fucking disorder, two actually and one makes people afraid of me. that's the reason i have no friends, or never had a boyfriend." i mumble.

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