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i waited for jungkook to waltz out of the hospital, his arm propped up on crutches. he looked so much better and so much happier. he was finally going to start working again and giving his patients the care they needed, including myself.

"JUNGKOOK!" this month consisted of flirting, kissing, hugging, talking, crying, and more. i was never used to affection like this. all of these emotions were overwhelming.

"RAVEN!" he yelled back just as happy to see me as i was him. i ran to give him a tight hug being careful to not hurt him.

"i missed you." he chuckled.

"it's only been two days since we saw each other."

"that's too long, kookie." he just shook his head as i helped him into the passenger seat. he wouldn't stop staring at me so of course i had to ask why. "what?" he smiled and put his crutches in the back seat.

"you're different from when we first met." i squinted.

"what do you mean?" he swallowed before speaking.

"when we first met you were moody, sarcastic, sassy, uptight-" i rolled my eyes.

"okay that's enough i'm none of those." he smiled again. "i don't like to be called sassy and uptight...i just know what i want and don't have time for."

"ahhh she's back the original imposter." i sucked my teeth.

"why can't you just, why can't you-" he raised both of his eyebrows.

"why can't i what raven? go on?" he was teasing me like he always did.

"stop being annoying for just five minutes." i groaned before getting in the drivers seat. "i have the power to kill us both since i'm driving so don't even start."

"was that supposed to scare me or something? i know you're mental." jungkook was playing with his life right now as he looked out of the window with a smug smirk on his face.

"what did you just say? you know what you're right you have a thing for mentally ill women." jungkook couldn't hold it in anymore and started to laugh at the disrespectful remark.

"that was disrespectful rae."  i just cockily smiled before pulling off.

"yeah maybe i am a little sassy."

"speaking of me being attracted to mentally ill women, have you heard up on the case with ashlyn yet?"

"yes actually they had me for questioning and i told them everything that happened but they want to know what happened leading up to that point." jungkook only hummed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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