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that night i slept over yoongi's home because i needed some space, a place to silently cry to myself

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that night i slept over yoongi's home because i needed some space, a place to silently cry to myself. it felt like i worked so hard to keep this marriage working but i just got smacked in the darn face.

the morning light shined through the window and my eyes fluttered open with slight pain. my eyes were pretty swollen from all the crying i did last night. it was a habit for me to check my phone in the mornings so when i did i saw a few notifications from instagram, some text messages from namjoon, taeh, jimin, then one from raven. i immediately opened hers out of curiosity; i don't know what made me so eager to see her messages?

raven: hey jung, are we still hanging out today?

for a split second i had totally forget about us hanging out. the thought made me crack a smile.

me: of course.

she didn't respond to me right away so i just leaned back onto the comfy pillows and tried to rest my eyes for a bit longer. the sound of a ding jerked me back up when my phone said "new message."

raven: awesome ( ), can't wait!

raven was so cute sometimes; the way she acted bubbly at times but then sassy as a brat. it was sort of attractive honestly...wait! stop it jung! i couldn't understand the reason why she made me feel warm to my stomach or why i liked hanging around her so much.

these feelings are so foreign, i haven't felt these emotions since two years ago when i met ashlyn. ashlyn that cheating bat! am i really that unworthy to where i get cheated on while i'm out working my ass off to pay our bills?

i guess so. footsteps were heard from the kitchen, i guess that was yoongi getting some breakfast before he heads out to work. i got up to meet him in the kitchen and he was still in his robe as he poured hot coffee into a mug.

"morning." he said while he slowly sipped his coffee because of the heat.

"hey." yoongi's home was like a second home of mine so i could practically just go in his fridge and get whatever i wanted.

"i'm leaving you here or are you going back home?" yoongi asked with concerned eyebrows.

"i have to get ready for work but i'm hanging out later." yoongi's eyebrows never changed position.

"with who?"

"don't worry about it." i smiled and dumped cereal into my bowl as i said that and yoongi just shrugged.

"fine don't tell me." he said and left the kitchen.  i held back the grin that was starting to form on my face.


it's been hours since i left yoongi's place and i was sitting at my desk per usual waiting for the time to pass. going back to my home felt like walking in a pit of fire; ashlyn wasn't home when i got there but even then it felt like the home wasn't home.

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