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off days at hogwarts was the best days you could ever endure, you simply loved it especially with what you was planning, your mission, you was thrilled, you couldn't wait. you hurriedly skipped out of bed, throwing on a pair of jeans and a black v neck, you could've dress casually, and didn't need that stupid excuse of a robe, lots of people gathered in the great hall, but your eyes only searched for two red heads.

your eyes scanned the Gryffindor table, a smirk pursed upon your lips, catching the moping red hair as they were in fits of laughter with one another, you made your way to them, taking a seat in between the both of them. "Y/n? Fancy seeing you at the Gryffindor table." Fred grinned, his smile was eye to eye, flashing his smile. and you returned the smile. "I need your help. The both of you." You gave them a reassuring smile, "I have galleons, that's not a problem." You quickly added in, the both of them raised their eyebrows in confusion.

"I need something stronger than muggle weed." You admitted in a low voice, careful for no one to hear you. "m' afraid we don't know anything about that, but we do know that malfoy has been dealing with something like that." George said, you didn't believe them. you scoffed, "oh boys please save it, I'm not asking you, I am telling you." You demanded.

"Talk to malfoy, if he doesn't have anything. Then we'll be sure to look for something. " Fred said and George agreed, you sighed and threw your hands in the air as a sign of defeat, draco didn't come to breakfast today, he usually didn't on his off days.

you waited, but he didn't come. you stormed your way out of the great hall, making your way back to the slytherin dormitory's, you mumbled the password and made your way upstairs into the boys dormitories, knocking loudly on malfoy's door.

"I'm coming," he shouted, opening the door, shocked to say the least. "And what can I do to pleasure you on this beautiful off day y/l/n?" he sneered, and you sent him a flashy smile, "a little Birdy told me draco malfoy has something other than muggle weed." You pushed past him walking into his room. "And who is this little Birdy?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

you shrugged. "Can't say, only came for one thing malfoy, please tell me you have something stronger. muggle weed isn't doing shit for me anymore, I need to get an actual high." You begged, and you never begged. Draco laughed at you. "Pathetic little girl." He scoffed, walking over to his bed, he sat against the head board placing his hands underneath his head. "What's in it for me?"

"I can give you galleons, any amount, say it!" you pleaded, "I don't need money, I have money." He brushed your comment away, "then what do you want from me?" your voice was slightly higher now, more of a Whining, as you sat on the edge of his bed.

"I know what I want, but I'm not too sure if you'll like it." Draco teased, "I have plenty of different things for you to get high on, but you must not tell anyone that I've got alright?" Draco's voice wasn't playful anymore, and you nodded.

"What do you need me to do, malfoy?" You couldn't contain the happiness that rushed through your bloodstream, you didn't even care what it took. "I want you to be my personal girl," Draco hummed, "whenever I need you." He added.

"Whatever it takes malfoy, now give me what I want," you hissed at him. and he nodded, muttering a spell with his wand, the display of pills in plastic small bags were placed on his bed, "which would you like, darling?"

you didn't think he would have this much of a variety, you mentally thanked Merlin for those two Weasley twins, you could've sucked them off at this point. "Give me something that will make me feel like I'm in a whole different world, malfoy."

he grabbed a plastic bag, he grabbed the white tablet out of the bag, placing it in between his two fingers. "Open up." He whispered, and you did as he said, opening your mouth wide enough for him to place the pill on your tongue, and he gave you the glass of water on his nightstand, you swallowed the pill before he even gave you the water. "Eager much?" He laughed at you, and you still took the water.

"I seriously owe you one, and how long does it take to kick in?" You asked curiously, "stay with me and wait." Draco shrugged. "Not sure, I'm usually high enough that I don't really pay attention."

You laid down on his bed, staring at the ceiling your eyes fluttered shut, as the pill started to kick in, your heart felt almost as if it stopped for two minutes, everything went dark, your body felt numb, and then your heart was beating out of your chest. "Draco.." you mumbled his name, that was the first time you've ever did use his name. "Yes?" He turned to look at you, he knew it hit you, and it hit you fast.

"I feel so.." your voice trailed off, you felt the best you've ever felt, "euphoric." you added and he laughed, "I could kiss you, malfoy."

"Yeah, please don't." Draco's voice went back to the way it usually was. "Now go on, I'll let you have your high, and then I want what I want in return."

You listened to him, "I'll be back, malfoy. you've got yourself a problem now, shame innit?" you made your way out of his room, you were met with shock as the walls started to turn each step you took.

but you loved it, you loved every single second of it, you finally made your way to your dorm and laid on your bed. you did it, you found it. you found your high, all thanks to Draco Malfoy.

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