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everyone gathered around inside the great hall, each and everyone of their own houses waiting patiently for the news dumbledore had asked to see everyone in the hall, claiming that this news is spectacular, you were seated at the slytherin table, no food was shown on the table for dinner, until his news was pronounced.

"Welcome everyone, today we gathered some information the we have a new transfer student from Beauxbâtons, I would like everyone to welcome miss Margaret riddle to Hogwarts!"

dumbledore clapped, everyone clapped, except you and draco, staring at the girl you once knew as Margot Delarosa, no one seemed to notice, or maybe they didn't care, or maybe they didn't remember her. "Is that.." draco's voice trailed off. "Margot Delarosa." You whispered back to him, but your heart was doing somersaults in your chest.

she was still so ethereal, a goddess that walked upon the earth who fell from heaven, Margot was sorted into slytherin, she made her way to your table, her eyes met yours, a smile was formed upon her face, she sat next to you. "little daisy." she whispered, and your ears perked up, turning your head to stare at the woman in front of you. "Margot?" you whispered back, and she nodded, shushing you with her finger. "Margaret," she retorted.

"I missed you, little daisy." She smiled at you, linking her fingers intertwined with yours on the bottom of the table, "we have a lot to speak about." You narrowed your eyes at her, and she nodded. "I've just got one thing to say, thank you for reading the letters." She whispered, piling some food into her plate, but never taking a bite of the contents inside of her dish.

you were feeling uneasy, something about this return wasn't right, your eyes met with draco's as he shrugged, leaning into your ear, "don't mind so much attention, maybe it's a charming spell." He whispered and you nodded, "yeah maybe," you replied, unable to look at the girl next to you, her eyes were glued onto you.

Margot was no longer herself, she is Margaret riddle, and why does that last name sound so familiar?

common room, empty, quiet the only sound coming from the fireplace, Draco was in his bedroom, and you were waiting in the common room for the arrival of Margot, who you couldn't quite wrap your finger around this girl who appeared today, a transfer student? how did dumbledore not recognize the girl he pronounced dead?

"daisy.." her voice trailed as she plopped down onto the couch next to you, her head laying down on your lap like old times, your fingers out of instinct flew to her black hair, playing with the strands, "care to explain everything now?" You questioned the girl, "yes, so where do I begin?" she sighed out loudly. "from the beginning margot, I want everything."

"my name was never margot Delarosa, I was sent here on a task, a mission. my real name is Margaret riddle, I am the daughter of Tom riddle, or you may know him as Voldemort." She began, and you nodded, daughter of he who shall not be named? that's new.

"My task was to kill draco malfoy, I got extremely close, I've taught him everything he needs to know about drugs, alcohol, and more. My father wanted him dead, but I couldn't complete the task because I fell in love with you." Margot explained somewhat of your confusion, but to kill draco? was that her plan now? "And no, I'm not here to kill draco, in fact Voldemort had spared his life because he needed him for a task as well."

"the night I supposedly died, I didn't die from drug abuse, nor any type of abuse in my body, in fact I didn't die at all, I was charmed with a sleeping spell, and the only way to release the spell was for you to read the letters, the letters were enchanted that I would wake up." Margot's bottom lip trembled as she spoke. "And the only reason I can come back because my father had given me another task, but this one is harder than the first one, my daisy."

"What is it, Margot- I mean Margaret." You asked, raising an eyebrow at the girl laying on your lap, "I wouldn't be able to tell you," a tear rolled down Margaret's cheek as she spoke, "I just want you to know that I am sorry for all the pain I've caused you for the past year,"

"you are forgiven, as long as you don't leave again." You replied, "don't dream of it, but I must succeed in order to be here," she replied and you nodded in understanding, Draco had come down the stairs and you weren't even sure when, "darling, margot." draco lowered his head, "Draco," Margaret spat.

"Am I interrupting something here?" Draco sat on the opposite side of the room, "no, just some catching up." You replied, "hey draco did you ever finish that task the dark lord asked you to?" Margaret spoke with such hatred towards Draco, "I don't know what you are talking about." Draco's eyes widened at Margaret his face contorted into a way of saying 'stop'

"Task for the dark lord?" You questioned looking at draco, "I don't know what she's talking about, she's crazy she came back from the dead!" Draco tried to defend himself, but in the pit of your stomach you knew something wasn't right, your head was pounding, your heart beat was faster than usual, Margaret pulled out her wand, "accio Margaret's secret drawer." She called out as she casted the spell, a tiny box was revealed to her, "daisy, do you remember this?" She pulled out a necklace with a heart that held a picture inside, your eyes widened at the piece of sentimental jewelry.

you let out a small laugh as you unbuttoned the top two buttons of your shirt, revealing the same matching necklace, "never took it off, not even for a day." You replied, Margaret placed the same necklace you wore onto her own neck, "we are completed again," she smiled, pulling a bag of weed out of the secret box. "Like old times?" She questioned, and you couldn't refuse.

this felt so good, but so wrong at the same time.

that gut feeling never left you.

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