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Draco wasn't well without you, the night before your funeral, Draco had ingested way too many substances, never allowing himself to be sober without your presence next to him, the night before your funeral, Draco had downed a bottle of fire whiskey, hoping that the alcohol in his system would help him get a full nights rest, but that never worked for him. since you been draco was a mess, never sober, constantly crying, never came out of his room.

the day of your funeral, Draco was in his room, wearing his black suit, black tie, and a black pair of shoes, the cannabis flower wrapped imperfectly stood in his hand, and the bottle of fire whiskey in his other, taking a long drag of the joint, inhaling the smoke and exhaling, and taking a big gulp of the fire whiskey, fresh tears poured from his eyes, "well, y/n. today's the day I get to see you buried into a ground." He spoke to no one, praying that you would hear his tears, his pleads for you to show up.

"Why did you leave me?" He cried, he's cried so much that his body couldn't physically handle all the pain he was going through, so he needed the substances to help him throughout the day, "Draco, let's go!" His father yelled at him, and draco couldn't find the strength to make it to your funeral, but he got up. "Only because you would want me there, y/n." He said out loud, taking another drag of the joint, and washing it down with the fire whiskey.

the long car drive was enough to make draco go crazy, the rain that pattered across the window, watching as the rain drops planted on his window, the rain drops would race, and in his head he always voted for the one that ended up losing, and that's the way he described his life, you were always there, but he knew that loving you was a losing game, but he never thought that he would lose this bad in his life.

the car came to a halt, watching as everyone was also getting out of their cars, Draco was too high to notice anyone around him, familiar faces that he couldn't even make out, he was fully wrecked, everyone made their way to your casket, Draco pushed through the crowds pushing himself to the front of the casket, you laid there, in a beautiful black dress, even dead you were beautiful, that made draco lose it.

no more holding back any tears, he was even more a mess seeing you fully dead, in front of him again. Fred placed his hand on Draco's shoulder, trying to comfort him, but Fred was a mess himself, tears never stopped pouring on Fred's face, watching as you just laid there, completely gone. "I'm sorry, Draco." Fred whispered, pulling him into a hug, everyone watched how draco cried into Fred's shoulder, holding onto Fred for dear life.

"We'd like to thank everyone for coming to my daughters burial, it was a tragic event." your father began to talk, "we wished we could've prevent it, or see how it happened to stop it." 'what a fucking liar,' Draco thought to himself, you were there, you asshole. "We'd like to say a few words about our daughter, and then we'd like her boyfriend to say a few words as well as her closest friends." Your father said.

"Y/n, was always a caring young girl, always caring about others before herself, y/n was very loving, very honest. and it's a shame to say that I lost my only daughter." your father said, wiping a forced tear away from his eye, "and it's been so hard to deal with this excruciating pain that she's left us here with to deal with on our own, and I wish I can have my daughter back." He sighed,

"my daughter was one of a kind, she was someone I could've speak to when I was feeling down, and I was someone she could've trust no matter the situation, my daughter never had an easy life, but I always tried to help her in every way possible, my daughter was my whole heart, and now that she's gone, my heart is broken into pieces." Your mother was a mess, having to stop in between sobs to speak, she couldn't even finish anything else she wanted to speak about, "I just wished I could hold my baby girl again." She cried harder.

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