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bottle of fire whisky, a bag of clear contents filled with what your heart desires was placed in front of you, how did your life end up like this, y/n? ' you whispered to yourself, allowing your body to succumb into the darkness of the toxins and fully take over your mind and body.

you weren't always like this, it wasn't always something you searched for, it all started when you were in fourth year, you were almost fifteen years old, a slytherin party was thrown and many of the younger years weren't allowed but you were able to sneak into the common room, a few others had done it as well, plenty of people sat on the couches, lines filled the table that sat in front of them, bottles of whiskey, shot glasses, and a bag of marijuana sat on the table, a few rollers and plenty of tablets, it was a party just for young delinquents, people on top of one another.

mindlessly dancing to the beat of the music, grounding on another, loud music blasted and the charming spell did wonders for not letting any professor hear, you never knew what drugs were, you didn't dare to try it, "come here, darling." You heard a voice speak directly at you, you pointed your finger at yourself and she nodded, she was a very pretty girl.

"You don't belong here," she said patting the empty seat next to her, "i feel as if I do," you replied to the woman. "then tell me, why do you feel like you belong?" she had a smile plastered on her face, "a bunch of people too depressed to care about the possibilities of tomorrow and drowning their sorrow with toxic medicine." You replied while examining the room, she let out a laugh.

"That was cute, I'm Margot, nice to meet you." She extended her hand, and you reached for it, shaking her hand you gave her a smile, "y/n, very nice to meet you." Margot took a drag of the cannabis flower she was smoking, "care for some?" She offered, and you took the offer, taking a drag out of the same cannabis, you inhaled the smoke way too fast, choking up.

she patted your back, "sorry beginner, I should've warn you." Margot let out a small laugh, and after you caught your breath you laughed with her too, taking another small drag, you slowly inhaled it, and instantly felt the toxins invade your body, the high went straight to your brain, and it felt good.

"Welcome to the club of the delinquents darling." Margot cheered, and everyone clapped, "stick with me, and you'll be good." She smiled as she added on, and it was true, you did stick with Margot for some time, meeting up in the common room late at night.

whiskey and cannabis flowers would go on until sunrise hit and the both of you knew you were fucked, you never tried anything stronger, Margot on the other hand was into everything and anything, Margot was eighteen, turning nineteen and you just turned seventeen, on your birthday Margot had planned for you to try fentanyl, of course you tried it.

you got absolutely plastered on your birthday, she planned a birthday party, the birthday party was amazing, many of people were there dancing, singing, making out, it was hours later you realized Margot was missing, you couldn't find Margot, and you confided in Margot, you needed her. of course you had Blaise and pansy and even Draco but Margot was yours.

she kissed you, hours before she went missing, you assumed she was just embarrassed but you liked that kiss, you searched everywhere for her, she was nowhere to be found, you asked everyone, no one hasn't seen her.

and then you found Margot, on the floor of the astronomy tower, laying in a pile of throw up, a bottle of fire whiskey on the side of her, and a note, your eyes swelled up with tears as you fell on your knees in front of the unconscious woman, "margot!" You yelled out, shaking her shoulders, nothing "margot!" You cried and pleaded and nothing, absolutely nothing "margot, please." you sobbed looking at the girl you loved, completely gone.

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