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"How are you even here?" You asked, a clear confusion painted on your face, "what you most desire will show up here darling, if you desire water, the water will be placed on the table in front of you." Draco talked with pure eloquence, he looked as if he ruled the kingdom, and people worshipped the ground he walked on, "so I desire you in my city?" He nodded, "you do, you desire me in your real life as well, but you are always so high to realize it."

"How do I find the key?" You asked, sitting on the four poster bed, legs crossed on one another, and he couldn't help but to laugh. "So you came back, just to ask me how to find the key?" And you nodded sheepishly, embarrassment flooded through your veins. "To find the key, you must stop your addiction." Draco malfoy was not going to stop your addiction, in fact no one was. "And I know you are clearly thinking, no one can stop your addiction." Draco added on. "But you desire a real world, with the things you appreciate in life. Y/n."

"You deserve a real relationship, I know that you desired me in this world, but you need to see it for yourself in the the real world, you need to see how much he really desires you."

"Who is he?" You replied to the last statement, ignoring all the other sympathetic words, "Draco, the actual Draco malfoy. not the one you desire in your world," He laughed, and you sighed out loud, "so I have to forget my addiction to be with a man who I just caught with another girl, a day after being with me?" You raised your eyebrow at the clone, and he nodded. "I suppose so, if that's how love works."

but that isn't how love works, but how should the person you desire in your city know that? he isn't real, none of it is real. "So what do I do now that you are here?" You wanted simple answers, but he wasn't a simple guy. He was filled with laughter, and happiness and enjoying the life you created for him. "We can become friends, you are not alone in this city you call home." Draco replied, and honestly you weren't keen on the idea, you had to deal with him in person, and now in your own reality?

You sighed loudly once more, opening your eyes into the real world, you couldn't give up your addiction, you couldn't, it wouldn't feel right for you to throw it away for a man who barely paid you attention, for a man who ridiculed you for being on drugs, a man who is full of himself, absolutely not. the only man you might get off of drugs for is Fred Weasley, but no one else. A loud knock at the door pulled you out of your thoughts, opening the door to Blaise zabini. "Hey y/n, I wanted to apologize." He smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, and you returned the smile. "It's okay Blaise, and I'm sorry for the things I said too." You allowed him to enter into the bedroom.

"So, you've heard then?" He asked and you looked at him confused, "oh you haven't, Pansy and Draco are officially dating. Theodore is a mess." Blaise talked in a hushed tone, scared that Pansy might walk in, "dating dating?" You asked, and he nodded. "Yeah, I'm sorry I know the two of you got rather close." Blaise mumbled, feeling quite sorry for you. "It's okay, I don't date anyway." You shot him a wink, even though your heart sunk into your stomach, jealousy raged through you.

"Well, goodnight y/n. See you tomorrow?" And you nodded, "see you Blaise." You walked him over to the door, the door slammed rather loudly behind him, you sighed loudly, "I'm overreacting," you said out loud, reaching over to your hidden drawer and pulling out the content of the fine white powder, you inhaled the toxins, leaning your head back and wiped your nose, you needed to see your Gryffindor, but it was too late, and he wouldn't be out right now.

so instead you decided on the astronomy tower, you walked into the common room, Pansy and Draco sat holding each other on the couches huddled up by the fire, Pansy laying her head on his chest, his hand rubbing up and down her back as they talked in hushed tones, once in a while laughing as they spoke. you carefully scurried out of the common room, being caught by Draco trying to yell out your name but you didn't answer, you made your way to the astronomy tower, as you were about to go up the stairs, your chest bumped into another chest.

"Hey watch where you're-" he cut himself off as he saw who you were, "y/n?" He laughed, and you smiled and nodded. "I suppose I am, you're just the guy I was looking for Freddie." Fred winked at you, "midnight endeavors?" He tilted his head, a smirk formed against his lips. "You wish, Freddie." You laughed, "well then, care to join me?" He asked, "I don't care where you are going, shower, sleeping, just take me with you." Fred took your hand and lead you to the towers, you reached his common room, and he took you right away to the boys dormitories, George wasn't in his bed, "he's with Sophia green grass." Fred mentioned, and you nodded.

"So, what's up, l/n?" Fred asked, laying down on his bed, patting the spot next to him motioning you to come lay next to him, you laid your head on his chest, and your arm on his torso, Fred was warm, his aroma was intoxicating, cherry wood, cinnamon and honey, an aroma you weren't used to, he was sweet, and Draco was bitter. "Hard to explain, Freddie." You mumbled against his chest, "oh come on, I'm a great listener."

"It's about draco." You lifted your head to meet his eyes, and he couldn't help but to laugh. "Okay never mind, I'm not that good of a listener, if he hurt you, I won't mind cutting his small penis off, putting it in a picture frame and decorating my dorm with it." The both of you erupted into fits of giggles, unable to control it, you clutched onto Fred harder, Fred snorted from laughter and it only made you laugh harder. "I can only imagine you doing that." You said in between laughter, the laughter died down when George walked into the dorm.

"Oh come on, I'm jealous. How did you get the prettiest girl in school?" George fake frowned, "it's a shame to say you finally realized that I'm the handsome brother George." Fred winked, and George sat at the feet of the same bed. "Is this the part that we all manage to do a three way kiss?" Fred asked, starring at the both of you. he managed to make his voice sound as serious as possible.

"Actually Freddie, this is the part I kiss y/n, and you watch." George hummed, as he faked leaning in, you laughed as you moved from Fred's chest, leaning in with him. Fred pulled you back with his hand on your arm, pulling you back to his chest, "back off George." He warned, kicking his brother off of the bed, George threw his hands up in surrender. "Sorry mate, didn't think you were actually serious!" George quickly rushed out of the room.

"Are you serious?" You asked; turning your head to stare at Fred, who's eyes never met yours, you placed your hand on his face turning his face to stare at you, an evident blush on his face, "Freddie's got a crush?" You gasped in disbelief.

"Always had one on you, y/n. you were always too high to realize it."

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