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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

In a room, sat a blonde boy and a h/c girl. They looked to be about fourteen or fifteen years old. They were sitting cross-legged on the floor, facing each other. They were a giggling mess.

"I'm serious though," the blonde paused, "Thomas likes you." He said to the girl.

The e/c eyed girl scoff softly, "Well, I mean I like him too," she said, "I like everyone here." She finished. The blonde boy rolled his eyes a little. Clearly she didn't get what he meant.

"No, I mean, he likes you," he took a deep breath, trying to stop the tears from coming to his eyes, "Like, likes you likes you. And I heard that you like him back." By now, tears had already started pooling in the boys eyes.


Because he had a huge crush on the h/c girl that sat in front of him, right now. But, what he didn't know, was that she felt the same way. Everyone knew that they both liked each other, they were just always too scared to admit it.

The e/c eyed girl sat there, looking at the blonde in shock. She didn't know Thomas liked her like that.

Who's Thomas?

Thomas is one of her best friends. Along, with her brother Gally, Teresa, and the boy who sat right in front of her, Newt. They were the ones she was closest to. She always thought of Teresa and Thomas like a brother and sister. But clearly, Thomas didn't think the same way about her.

"Well, that sucks for him then." She stated, avoiding the boys, now know as Newt's, eyes.

"Why? I thought you liked him like that, as well." That sentence she said, made him a little bit more happy.

"No, you're wrong," she hesitated, "I like someone else." She stated.

Newt leaned closer to her, wanting to know more, "Who is it?" He asked eagerly.

She just giggled a little, shaking her head while muttering a small 'nope'. He kept pestering her, but she didn't give in, making him sigh and give up. Or at least that's what she thought.

All of a sudden, he tackled her, making her fall on her back, him on top of her. She was a laughing mess. He was tickling her sides, waiting for her to give in and tell him who the mysterious person she liked was.

"Who is it, Y/n?" He questioned teasingly.

The girl, known as Y/n, kept laughing, hardly unable to breath. She finally put her hands up in surrender, making Newt stop tickling her, but he pinned her arms to the ground, not planning on letting her go till she answered his question.

She looked at him with wide eyes, "Who is it?" He questioned her again, a smirk playing on his lips.

She rolled her eyes a little, "It's not like he likes me back anyway." She grumbled.

He scoffed a little, "Come on, who wouldn't like you? You're beautiful, smart, funny, athletic. You're perfect. Everything about you is perfect." He told her truthfully.

She blushes at this, before taking a deep breath, getting ready to answer, "Alright fine," she hesitated, "I-it's y-you, Newt. I l-like you." She stuttered.

Now, it was Newt looking at her in shock. She liked him back. After all this time, he thought she liked Thomas, but turns out that she likes him. He smiled widely before crashing his lips onto hers.

She laid there, frozen for a couple seconds, before kissing back. 'Does this me he likes me back?' She kept thinking in her head.

He pulled away from the kiss, still beaming at the girl, "I like you too," he said, "A lot!" She grinned at him before leaning back in and kissing him again.

They were finally happy. They had always had each other, but now it was even better, now that they knew about each others feelings.

What they didn't know, was that they would only have a couple more months left together, before he was sent somewhere, where he would forget all about her.

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