Chapter 9: Reunited

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

Newt and I were keeping our heads low, so we wouldn't get noticed while we were in the medical wing. We continued walking for a little, searching for Minho.

I was a little behind Newt. We were walking past a hallway. I looked down the hallway, looking for Minho, but I didn't find him. Instead, I found....

Ava Paige.

I stopped in my tracks, keeping my eyes on the older woman. She saw me too, making her stop walking as well. We kept eye contact, while I pulled out a pistol, aiming it right at her, my jaw clenched. We were like that for a couple seconds, till I heard Newt.

"Y/n! No!" I heard him shout, before I felt him push me down another hallway, away from Ava Paige. We ran down the hall, Newt was shooting some guards while doing so, while I started calling out for Minho.

Suddenly, we were getting shot at from all sides. "Newt, get down!" I shouted, ducking behind a wall with Newt. We sat down before I spoke again, "Shit. I'm almost out." I informed, checking my pistol.

I decided to us the last of my bullets, and stood up, shooting at the guards on the other side of the wall. "Get back!" I heard Newt yell out. I obeyed, watched him throw a taser bomb towards the guards, knocking them out.

I nodded, heavily breathing while grabbing Newt's hand, squeezing it, making him squeeze back, "Alright, let's go." I motioned for him to follow me.

We ran for a couple seconds before turning a corner, but we didn't make it to the end, because a guard stood in front of us, aiming his gun right at us, "You two, freeze!" He yelled, "Get down on the ground, now!" He continued yelling, but we remained on our feet, "I said get on-" before he could finish, a familiar figure came up and body-checked him against the wall, before grabbing him by the shoulders and tossing him through the window beside us, breaking it, all well yelling.

Newt and I stood frozen, watching with wide eyes. We looked at the now, unconscious guard, before looking at the person who attacked him. Once I looked at him, I sighed in relief and happiness.

It was Minho.

He was standing here, right in front of us.

He turned to look at us, rage of anger showing on his face.

"Minho." I breathed out, before me and Newt ran to him, tackling him in a hug. I felt him wrap his arm around my waist tightly, while I wrapped on of my arms around his shoulders, Newt doing the same.

We pulled away, panting while looking at him, "Is this real?" He asked, glancing between Newt and I.

We smiled at him tiredly, glad he was okay and right in front of us. Just then, another guard appeared, aiming his gun at us, "I got them! Over here!" I heard him shout.

I felt Newt grip my hand before we started running, "Go! This way!" I shouted to the two boys. We turned a corner, "Come on!" I yelled.

"You three! Stop!" I heard another guard shout to us.

We stopped in our tracks, seeing a couple guards in front of us, while there were still some behind us. We were trapped. I looked around for a way out, till I saw a door, "In here, in here! Come on!" I ushered the two boys.

They obeyed, running in the room, me following before we close the door, locking it before pushing a heavy object in front of it, just in case. I searched the room for a way out, but the only thing that I could see as a way out, was these big glass windows on the other side of the room.

It was silent for a couple moments, all you could hear was our heavy breathing, till a whirring sound was heard at the door. I turned my head to it, to see sparks. They were cutting the door open. I looked back to the window, that revealed the outside.

"Any ideas?" I heard Minho ask.

I nodded, looking at the window before looking back the two, who were already looking at me, "Maybe." I said.

We found a very heavy object, before us three rammed it into the window, making it break before it fell into the pool down below, "Okay, it's doable," I took a couple steps back, getting a running head start, the boys following me, "Just need a little running start." I finished.

It was silent for a moment, while I glanced at the two, who were on either side of me, before my gaze stopped on Newt. He was not looking good. He skin was getting paler. I could see black veins crawling up his neck.

We were running out of time.

"You sure about this?" I heard Minho ask, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Not really." I answered.

"Nice pep talk." Minho said sarcastically.

"Yeah, we're bloody inspired." Newt said.

We all stood there, getting ready to run, until the door opened, making us turn back, seeing Janson making his way in. I pushed the boys forward, while I followed them, before jumping out the window.

"Y/n!" I heard Minho cry out, while we were falling down.

Suddenly, we all hit the water. Not gonna lie, it was kinda painful jumping that high and into a big body of water. But we escaped. I swam up to the surface, already seeing Newt and Minho up on the surface.

We were all breathing heavily, while I looked back up at the window we jumped out of, just to see Janson looking at us. I raised my hand from the water, giving him the finger before following Minho and Newt out of the pool. Minho got out first before helping me up.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm good."

I turned to Newt, helping him out of the water with Minho's help, "Newt, you okay?" I questioned in worry.

He nodded, muttering a small 'yeah'.

Once Newt was out of the water, we all started turning around, but only to see guards aiming there guns at us, "You three, don't move!" One of them said.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." I muttered in annoyance.

While they were walking towards us slowly, I cautiously reached for my gun, but one of the guards caught me, "Uh-uh-uh. Don't even think about it." He warned, aiming his gun at me. I clenched my jaw, glancing at all the guards.

All of a sudden, two of the guards started shooting at the other ones before turning to us, removing their helmets, revealing Gally and Thomas.

"Gally?" Minho questioned in disbelief.

"Minho," Gally nodded to the boy, before looking at the window we jumped out of and glancing at me, "You guys are nuts." He shook his head.

I patter Minho on the shoulder, "I'll explain later." I said to him, before walking towards Gally, giving him a hug, while Thomas went to Minho, giving him a big hug.

"Thank god you're safe." Gally whispered, rubbing my back while we hugged.

I nodded, before pulling away. We smiled at each other before he kissed my head, then I walked towards Newt, checking him.

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