Chapter 10: Newt

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(Btw, I posted my Minho X Reader, so go check that out...)

~Y/n P.O.V.~

We ran away from the Wicked building, hiding behind some benches. I sat with Gally and Thomas, while Newt and Minho were behind another one.

"Well," Gally spoke up, "They're definitely pissed." He informed.

I nodded, starting to take of my gloves, "How far are the tunnels?" I asked, wanting to get out of the city.

"Uh, maybe twelve blocks from here," he said. Just then, we heard Newt cough really badly, making us three look towards him. I saw from the corner of my eye, Gally look at Thomas and I, who were still looking at Newt, "We can make it." He nodded, assuring us.

I nodded, but kept quiet. We turned our backs to Minho and Newt, looking around the city, still crouched down, staying hidden. While I started taking off the top half of the guard suit I had on. While I was doing that, I heard footsteps coming towards us, causing me to turn and look and see Minho walking towards us three, stopping beside me.

"Hey. How long has he been like this?" Minho asked me.

"He'll be okay," I replied, taking off the jacket I had on, leaving me in a t-shirt, and the guards pants I still had on, "We just gotta get to Brenda. She's got the serum." I informed them, before getting up and walking towards Newt.

"Come on, let's go." I said, walking to Newt, "Hey, Newt. Come on. We gotta get you up. Let's go," I helped Newt up, but right as he got to his feet, he stumble, almost falling down to the ground again, but luckily I caught him before he could, "You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah." He replied.

I heard footsteps coming to us, so I turned my head, seeing Thomas help me keep Newt up. I nodded at him, thanking him, making him nod back, giving me a small, reassuring smile.

We started making our way to the tunnels. Thomas and I helping Newt, while Gally was in front of us, leading the way, and Minho was right behind us, keeping an eye on Newt, while me and Thomas held onto him.

Suddenly, a huge explosion went off, not too far from us. We stopped in our tracks, looking at the explosion.

"We're supposed to take down Wicked, not the whole damn city." Gally spoke up, looking at the commotion.

Newt, Thomas, Minho, and I all glanced at him before looking back at the explosion, "Gally, come on." I said, patting his shoulder before we all started walking again, Gally following us.


~Y/n P.O.V.~

We continued making our way through the city, making our way to the tunnels, "Tunnels are right up ahead," Gally informed us, "Shit!" he hissed, "Hey! Stay low! Stay low!" He whispered to us, ducking behind something.

We followed him, Thomas and I setting Newt down, ducking, while Minho was beside Gally, ducking as well. I went to the other side of the big object we were hiding behind, peeking out, seeing many guards all huddled up, their guns aimed somewhere, till a vehicle came close to where I was peeking, making me go back to the boy.

"Shit!" I hissed.

"Get ready!" I heard a guard cry out.

I saw Gally peeking through where he was hiding before sitting down, "Damn it!" He muttered.

It was silent for a second till Minho spoke, looking at us, "What are they waiting for?" He asked in confusion.

All of a sudden, an explosion went off, making me jump and look at where it happened, revealing people running forwards, causing the guards to start shooting at them.

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