Chapter 2: But, Where's Minho?

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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

They had finally made it back to there safe-zone. Newt had grabbed his tool, burning through the door, making it pop open. Thomas had hopped in first, looking around at all the victims Wicked took. He walked down a little, before spotting Aris and Sonya.

"Aris! Hey, you guys okay?" He asked them, holding Aris' shoulder.

They both nodded, looking happy to see an old friend. He nodded at them before patting Aris' shoulder and continuing to search for Y/n and Minho. He looked around for a moment, before spotting a familiar face.

A girl with h/c hair, and e/c eyes. Y/n. She's here. She's safe. He ran up to her, startling her before realizing who it was. He cupped her face, looking at her with tears in his eyes. His best friend was back! He caressed her cheeks a little, before looking at the big noticeable bruise on her forehead.

"What did they do to you?" He muttered, glancing at her eyes and the bruise.

"Thomas." Y/n breathed out, happy to see her best friend. They smiled at each other tiredly. He still held onto her cheeks while glancing around the rest of the kids, looking for Minho. Once he didn't see the Asian boy, he looked back at Y/n.

"I thought Minho was in here with you?" He said, but it came out more as a question. She shook her head, muttering an 'I don't know'.

He pulled her into a tight hug, before everyone started unchaining the kids. They all came out, their eyes squinting for a minute, adjusting to the bright sun. Once Y/n could see better, she started glancing around, trying to search for Newt or anyone she knew.

"Come on in, guys!" Vince shouted.

They all gathered in front of Vince, Y/n as well, but she was also still glancing around for any familiar faces.

"Alright, listen up. I know you've all been through hell. I wish I could say our troubles are over, but we're not through this yet. Wicked's still out there. They're not giving up. Cause you got something they want. They took you because you're immune to a plague that's wiping out the human race. And they think you're worth sacrificing to find a cure. Well, I don't." Vince explained.

Y/n was still glancing around for any familiar faces. Suddenly, she finally spotted Newt, glancing at the group of kids. What she didn't know, was that he was looking for her. Thomas had informed him that she was here, but Minho wasn't. It wasn't easy for him to see her. She was in the middle of the large group of kids, and the ones in-between her and Newt, were pretty tall. Just then, she had lost sight of the blonde boy and her attention went back on Vince.

So, in two days, when we get this tub of rust seaworthy," Vince continued, motioning to a large rusted ship, "We're getting the hell outta here. We're gonna go to a place where Wicked will never find you. A place you can start over. A place you can call home." He finished.

Everyone started cheering once Vince said that. But Y/n wasn't. She now knew that Wicked still had Minho. Even though she just got back, she needed to get him back home safe with the rest of them.

The group of kids started to disperse, but she still stayed in the same spot. She looked at the ground for a moment, before looking back up to where she remembered where she saw Newt. Right as she looked up, she met a familiar pair of beautiful brown eyes. Brown eyes that belonged to a blonde boy.

Brown eyes that belonged to Newt.

He was looking at her in relief. Tears pooled in both of their eyes, a couple falling on their cheeks. He was cupping his mouth, trying to not let the sobs come out. They started walking towards he each other slowly, not taking their gazes off each other. They kept slowly walked towards one another, until he ran to her, picking her up by the waist and lifting her off the ground, spinning her around.

Tears were now full on falling down their cheeks. It's been months since they've seen each other. In the distance, stood Brenda, Frypan, Jorge, and Vince watching the couple with small smiles on their faces.

Newt stopped spinning Y/n around, putting her back on the ground before cupping her cheeks, wiping away the tears that laid on her cheeks, while her hands slowly went to his cheeks. She couldn't believe after all these months, that she was finally back in his arms. Wicked had done a lot to her for those past couple months.

"Is this real? Is this actually happening?" She muttered.

He chuckled a little bit while nodding her head, "Yes love. You're here. You're safe." Newt said before pulling her into a long and deep kiss.

He was cupping her cheeks tight, but not enough to hurt her. She was also cupping his cheeks as well. Both of them smiling brightly into the kiss, their lips moving in sync. More tears came onto their cheeks. Newt's hand went to the back of Y/n's neck, bringing her closer, while the other one was still cupping her cheek, her tears falling onto his hand. Slowly, his other hand went to her waist, wrapping his arm around it and pulling her impossibly closer than she already was.

Soon, the two pulled away, but still kept their arms around each other. They continued staring into each others eyes, Y/n caressing his cheeks with her thumbs, wiping away the tears, while Newt had one arm wrapped around her shoulders, and the other wrapped around her waist, both their chests touching each others.

He scanned her face, looking to see if Wicked did anything to her, till his gaze stopped on the bug bruise on her forehead. He unwrapped his arm from her shoulders, and lightly touched the bruise, trying not to hurt her.

"What have they done to you, love?" He mumbled, his brows furrowed while keeping his gaze on the bruise. She shook her head a little before burying her face in his chest, making his arms wrap around her small frame tightly.

"Don't worry, darling. You're safe now." He reassured her.

They stood like that for a couple minutes, till Newt led her to the others who had been watching the couple since they first hugged each other. She first hugged Frypan, then Brenda, then Jorge, and surprisingly, Vince pulled her into a hug as well, before Newt took her back into his arms and started showing her around the place.

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