Chapter 4: The Last City

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

We all got out of the tunnel filled with cranks, safely. Thanks to Brenda and Jorge finding us.

"I'm impressed," Jorge said, "You guys almost lasted a whole day."

We all looked at Thomas, since it was his idea to leave in the first place. Brenda turned around, a little smirk on her face while looking at Thomas with raised eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to bring you guys into this." He admitted.

Brenda glanced at Jorge, her brows still raised, and a smirk still laying on her lips.

"I think what he's trying to say, is thanks for saving us." Frypan said, patting Thomas on the shoulder with a small grateful smile.

"You're welcome." Brenda replied, a little bit of sass in her voice, before she turned back to the front.

"Hey, don't get your hopes up. That checkpoint back there, that was the city's last defense. If that was overrun, chances are the city is too." Jorge informed.

"Yeah, unless they figured out some other way to keep the cranks out." Newt spoke up, looking out the window at something.

I looked to see where he was looking at, just to see it. The Last City. We're getting closer to finding Minho, and getting him out of there.

Just then, Jorge slammed on the breaks, looking at the city. We jumped out of the jeep, looking at the city in front of us. There were tall buildings, and skyscrapers, and walls around it.

"Funny," Newt broke the silence, "We spend three years trapped behind walls, trying to break out, and now we wanna break back in." He finished.

"Yeah, it's hilarious." Frypan said sarcastically.

"Jorge, how do we get in?" I asked, keeping my gaze on the city.

"Don't look at me, hermano. Those walls are new. I guess Wicked's answer for everything." Jorge said, mentioning the maze.

"Well, we ain't gonna figure it out from here," Brenda spoke, "Let's go."

Everyone started walking back to the jeep, I saw Thomas take one last glance at the city before walking back. But, I stayed there, not taking my eyes off of it. I heard footsteps come up behind me.

"You really think he's in there?" I heard Newt ask.

"I guess we'll find out." I replied.

"You know, she's gonna be in there too." He said, referring to Teresa who betrayed us all.

I nodded a little, tears coming to my eyes. I was really close to Teresa, and just to hear or talk about her, hurts.

"Let's go." Newt said softly, seeing my face once he mentioned her. He grabbed my hand, pulling me back to the jeep.

While we started driving again, I thought about the good times I had with Teresa. I remember how when we first met before the maze, we got along so well. And when she came to the maze, I was the first person she trusted, and I trusted her too. Clearly, that was a mistake. While I was thinking about these things, it made me think.

I still care for her.


~Y/n P.O.V.~

After we drove for a little while, we finally arrived at the city's entrance. There were so many people around, they didn't look like they were doing so great. I was gripping Newt's hand, making sure I didn't lose him in the crowd of people.

"This place has really gone through hell." Jorge commented.

"We just gotta stay together." Thomas said.

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