Chapter 3: Tunnel

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

It had been a couple hours since they had rescued me and the other kids from Wicked. I finally had food for what seemed like forever. Right now, I was cuddled up with Newt in our hammock. It felt so good to sleep. I just wish Minho was here too.

I'd rather it be Minho they rescued instead of me.

I was finally almost fully asleep, till I felt Newt leave my side, making me squirm a little. I felt him kiss the top of my head, running his fingers through my hair before I heard his footsteps get farther away. I opened my eyes, seeing his retreating figure. I cautiously got up from the hammock, putting on my boots, then my jacket before following.

Where was he off to?

I quickly, but quietly followed him. After a couple seconds, I saw him meet up with Frypan by a jeep. Where are they going? They continued whispering for a couple of minutes, till I decided to intervene.

"What are you guys doing?" I whispered, making them both jump and turn around to face me.

"Y/n, love what are you doing up?" Newt asked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"I felt you leave the hammock," I said before glancing at Fry and him, "Now, where are you two going?" I asked both boys.

Newt sighed before answering, "I saw Thomas packing some stuff." He informed me.

"Packing? Why would he be packing?" I question in confusion.

"We're pretty sure he's going after Minho by himself." Frypan said.

I sighed. That's definitely what Thomas would do. "Well then, what are you guys doing?" I asked, but I think I already knew the answer.

Newt chuckled, "You didn't think we'd let him do this on his own, did you?"

I scoffed softly, shaking my head with a small smile, "No, I guess not," I took a deep breath, "But, I'm coming with you guys." I said.

I knew that Newt was going to disagree, and I was right. "What? Are you crazy? You just got back, you're not fit to go on something like this." He said softly, gently holding my shoulders, moving to stand in front of me.

I rolled my eyes a little, "Newt, I'll be fine, okay?" I told him, "Plus, I have you with me. And Frypan and Thomas. I'll be okay." I tried convincing him.

He shook his head, muttering a small 'no'.

"You should also know, that I'm not taking 'no' for an answer." I said, firmly.

He stayed silent for a moment before sighing, "Fine." He muttered.

I gave him a small smile before pecking him on the lips, "I'll be fine, I promise." He nodded, pecking my lips once more, before I entered the jeep with Frypan.

We waited a couple minutes till I heard muffled talking outside the jeep. Thomas' probably here now. Just then, the drivers seat door opened, revealing Frypan to Thomas, before I leaned over slightly, revealing myself, making Thomas sigh before looking at me with raised eyebrows. I shrugged, giving him a small innocent smile.

He finally agreed to us coming with him, and him and Newt hopped into the jeep before Frypan started driving.

~Y/n P.O.V.~

We were still driving. The sun had come up a little while ago. I was in the back with Newt, while Thomas was in the passenger seat, and Frypan was still driving. I rested my head on Newt's shoulder, feeling him rest his head on mine.

I had just woken up from a little nap. It felt really nice to sleep again. I didn't get much sleep during the months I've been gone. Soon, Frypan stopped the jeep, making me look out the front window, to see we were in front of a tunnel.

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