Chapter 7: Teresa

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

Newt and I spent a little time to ourselves on the roof, till I decided we should go down where the others were. It had been a couple hours since then, and now Gally was leading me to the city again.

We decided that I would go to the city and wait for Teresa to be done work, then I'd lead her to where Gally would be hiding, waiting for us, then we'd take her to the cathedral. We decided that I'd go because I was the closest to her than anyone else. I had a sweater on with a hood, so I could hide my face once I was out.

Gally and I were walking through the sewers, on our way to the city, once again. It was silent between us. The only time I really talked to him, was with the others around. I knew that sooner or later, I'd have to face him when it would just be us two by ourselves.

To be honest, I didn't know what to say. I mean, what do you say to your older brother, that you thought had been dead these past few months, then one day, he shows up out of no where, and offers to help you rescue your friend?

We continued walking through the sewers, not saying a word. I kept seeing him glance around, while I would too and also look down at the ground. I heard him sigh before he broke the awkward silence between us.

"So, you're still with Newt, I see." He said, looking forwards.

I looked at the back of his head, considering I was a little behind him. That sentence made me smile a little. Gally was always overprotective of me. Back in the glade when he found out about Newt and I, he went all 'protective older brother mode', it was funny at the time.

"Yeah." I muttered.

He nodded, clearing his throat, "He hasn't," he paused, "Done anything like that before, has he?" He asked, looking at me.

I looked at him in confusion, till I realized what he was talking about. He was talking about when Newt had yelled at me and pushed me against the wall harshly.

I shook my head, "No, that was the first time." I mumbled, looking down.

I heard him sigh in relief, muttering a 'good'. Once again, there was the awkward silence between us. It stayed like that for about a minute, till I heard him groan before talking again.

"You know, we're gonna have to talk like we use to sometime." He said firmly.

I scoffed a little, avoiding eye contact, "How?" I grumbled, asking.

This time, it was his turn to scoff, "I don't know, Y/n. Just talk, maybe!" He exclaimed, looking at me.

I scoffed again before finally looking at him, "How Gally?" I raised my voice, "How do I just start talking to you normally, when after all these months, I thought you were dead?! And then one day, you just show up, kidnap us, and then say your alive and act like it's nothing!" I exclaimed in anger.

"Y/n I-" He tried talking, but I wouldn't let him.

"Do you have any idea, what your 'death' did to me?!" I shouted, "I was depressed, for so long! Many nights, I cried myself to sleep! In the scorch, I cried myself to sleep! When I was captured by Wicked, they would taunt me about you, making me think you were alive sometimes!" I finished shouting at my brother.

I scanned his face, seeing tears pooling in his eyes, and surprisingly, some were on his cheeks. He had a small frown laying on his lips. All of a sudden, he pulled me into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around me. I froze for a second before hugging back, wrapping my arms around his waist.

We stayed like that for about a minute or two, till we broke apart, walking the rest of the way to the city. We had finally mad it, so I put the hood from the sweater I was wearing, over my head so I wouldn't be recognized. I left Gally and started walking towards where Teresa was working.

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