Chapter 1: Rescue

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~3rd Person P.O.V.~

In a jeep, speeding down a dirt road, sat Brenda and Jorge. They continued driving for a couple minutes, till they stopped on a hill. Jorge brought out a pocket watch, and checked the time.

"Their late." He said, closing the pocket watch.

Brenda glanced at him before checking her own watch, to see that the man was right. After a couple minutes, a loud train horn was heard in the distance. That was their que. Jorge started up the jeep, it making a loud roar while doing so, while Brenda grabbed a sniper. Jorge put up scrap metal on the window to protect themselves. The two looked at each other before looking forwards again, and they were off.

They drove down the hill before Jorge made a quick swerve so they were driving right beside the train.

In the cargo section of the train, sat innocents who Wicked took, all chained up. Y/n and Minho were in the there. What Brenda and Jorge didn't know, was that they could hear the jeep's engine outside the train.

In one part of the cargo section, sat Minho, chains on his wrist, sitting there with a blank expression on his face. In another one of the cargo section, sat Y/n chained up as well, tears in her eyes, but she refused to let them fall. The two had been gone for months. Wicked tortured them. You could clearly see they didn't hardly get any sleep, because there were bags under their eyes.

Y/n had a couple cuts on her, and a big bruise on her face, right on her forehead. Nothing would be able to hide that. Both their hair was a mess. They were not doing good.

Jorge and Brenda drove past the section where the two were and drove towards the front of the train, still right beside it. On the other side of the train, another jeep was speeding towards the train. In the jeep, sat Thomas and Vince.

"Brenda, we're coming up behind! Keep 'em busy!" Thomas yelled into the radio, informing Brenda.

"Hang on!" Vince shouted, speeding more towards the train.

With Brenda and Jorge, Brenda stood up, popping out of the jeep and aimed the sniper towards the conductors of the train, then she shot before going back down, Jorge laughing once she sat back in her seat.

With Vince and Thomas, they were coming up behind the train, still speeding.

"This is crazy, Thomas!" Vince shouted.

Suddenly, Wicked guards started coming out of the train, shooting at Jorge and Brenda, who were in their sight. Jorge drove a little away from the train, before shooting as well.

Thomas started climbing on top of the jeep he was in with Vince, while Vince started driving more closer to the train.

"Get me closer!" Thomas yelled.

Once Vince got Thomas close enough, Thomas attached something to the train before jumping off the jeep, and onto the train. He started climbing the ladder before turning to Vince, who was still in the jeep.

"Come on, Vince!" He encouraged.  Vince climbed out of his seat, getting onto the front of the vehicle. Just then, one of the tires popped, making the jeep on an angle, also making Vince fall, "Vince?" Thomas said. He stood back up, getting into the stance to jump off, "Jump!" Thomas yelled.

Obeying the boy, Vince jumped of the jeep just in time for it de-attach from the train and flip over, leaving it behind. Thomas helped Vince up before getting ready to climb up and onto the train, but not before Vince stopped him, looking behind them.

He pointed out an aircraft coming there way. Obviously, it was Wicked. Thomas brought out his radio, "Hey Brenda, you got company!" He informed the girl.

All of a sudden, they started shooting at Jorge and Brenda, who were still in their jeep. Luckily, Jorge was able to dodge the shots. He started driving them away from the train, the aircraft following them.

"Thomas, you're on your own! Don't die!" Brenda exclaimed into the radio.

"Good luck!" He shouted into it before putting it away and climbing up to the top with Vince.

On one side of the train, Wicked guards were running to the two, while Thomas and Vince were on the other side, running towards them, jumping over the cargos without a problem.

Both Minho and Y/n could hear their footsteps at the top, making them both look up at the sound. The two stopped once they saw guards running towards them, guns in their hands. Vince climbed down in-between the two cargo sections and started trying to un-attach the two.

Soon, Thomas climb down and began shooting at the guards who were coming close to them. Vince soon finally, had it ready, both the guys taking cover while the guards continued running towards them, unaware of the of the little explosion. Just then, it exploded, making the two parts of the train separate.

The victims who were taken by Wicked, including Y/n and Minho, all fell forwards a little, due to their part of the train stopping. Both the two looked up a little in confusion. Vince and Thomas jumped off the train, it finally had stopped, before Thomas turned to their left, whistling loudly.

After that, someone stood up behind a big rock, revealing Newt, with a bag on his back, looking at the two guys in front of him. Vince waved at the blonde, making Newt turn around, looking at another big rock behind him.

"Alright, come on, let's go! Come on!" He motioned for two other people behind the other rock to follow him, before grabbing another bag before running towards the train where Thomas and Vince were.

Thomas started banging on the cargo section where the Wicked victims were in, "Y/n, Minho?!" He yelled. Other kids started yelling when hearing Thomas' voice.

Both Y/n and Minho stayed silent for a moment, "Y/n, Minho! Can you hear me?!" Once they heard Thomas yell out to them again, they both started yelling like the others in the train, shaking the chains while doing so.

Upon thinking he heard both Minho and Y/n, Newt came running to where Thomas was, "This one! This one!" Thomas told the blonde. Newt started putting on goggles, while Thomas and Vince were a couple feet away, looking at the guards who had jumped off the other part of the train and started running towards them.

"Oh shit," Vince breathed, "It's gonna be close." He said before running to Newt.

Thomas and Vince were now on the top of the train, getting it ready to get it out of here. Thomas glanced down to where Newt was, "Newt, how you doing?" He frantically asked.

Not taking his eyes of his work, "Don't rush me." He said calmly.

The guards were getting closer now, till they stopped and started shooting at the guys on the train. Vince, Thomas, and Newt ducked, avoiding being shot. Thomas started shooting at them, "Newt, get up here!" He yelled.

"Almost there." Newt assured.

Vince climbed down the train, getting on the ground where Newt was while shooting at the guards as well. Finally Newt had finished, "Newt, go!" Vince shouted to the boy, before continuing shooting at the guards. Newt ran to Thomas' side, ducking too.

"Where the hell are they?" He asked.

"I don't know." Thomas said.

Everyone else started climbing up to where the two boys were, but Vince was still on the ground. All of a sudden, an aircraft came into view, stopping right next to the train, making everyone look up.

Brenda, who was in the aircraft, pressed a button, making an anchor lower down, Thomas and Newt looking up at it, while Vince was still on the ground, shooting at the guards. Thomas jumped up and grabbed the anchor, Newt grabbing it a little after before hooking it up to the cargo.

"Vince! Get up here!" Newt shouted to the man who was still on the ground, glancing down. Finally, Vince had made it on just in time for it to rise. Thomas kept shooting at the guards, hitting two of them, causing them to collapse on the ground.

Once they were far enough, they all started cheering, hugging each other, happy that they pulled this off, and that they finally got their two friends back.

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