Chapter 5: Gally

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

I couldn't believe it. Gally was alive. My brother was alive. And standing there, right in front of me. I continued staring at him, till I saw Thomas punch him in the face, making Gally fall to the ground, climbing on top of him, ready to throw another punch, until I felt Newt let go of my hand and run up to Thomas' side, stopping him from punching Gally.

"Stop!" Newt shouted.

"He killed Chuck." I heard Thomas mutter, his jaw clenched.

"I know. I remember. I was there too, alright? But I also remember, that he was stung and half out of his mind. Just calm down, alright?" Newt said calmly.

Thomas stayed still for a moment, before getting off of Gally, pushing Newt off of him before standing up on his feet, watching Gally. Newt walked back towards me, and grabbed my hand, squeezing it. He knew how bad the impact on Gally's 'death' was on me.

Gally got up onto his feet, rubbing his jaw while shrugging, "Kinda had that coming," he said, "Anybody else? Fry? Newt?" he turned to me, "Sis?" He muttered.

"Do you know this guy?" Jorge asked Frypan.

"He was an old friend." Frypan replied.

"How?" Newt asked, "How is this possible? We watched you die."

"No, you left me to die," he said, "And if we hadn't found you when we did, you'd be dead right now." Gally finished.

It was silent for a couple more seconds. Tears were pooling into my eyes, a few came onto my cheeks, but I wiped them away. I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. After all this time, I thought he was gone. Dead. He looked like it. I could see he kept glancing at me.

Just then, I saw him do it again, except he kept eye contact. I saw his eyes get a little watery. I was looking at him with a blank expression, my jaw was clenched, and I still had some tears in my eyes that I refused to let them fall.

He broke the eye contact, looking down at the ground before glancing at all of us.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He asked.

It was silent again, till I spoke up, "Minho," I breathed out, "Wicked has him here. We're looking for a way in." He looked at me again with a small frown.

"I can help with that," he offered, "Follow me."

"I'm not going anywhere with you." Thomas objected.

"Suit yourself. But, I can get you through those walls." He said.

We all glanced at each other before Thomas finally agreed to go with him. He led us somewhere. It was silent for awhile while we were walking, till Gally broke the silence.

"After the maze, I got picked up by a group headed to the city. They realized I was immune, patched me up, and they brought me here, to Lawrence. This group's been at war with Wicked ever since they took control of the city. But Wicked can't hide behind those walls forever. Day's gonna come, and they're gonna pay for what they've done." Gally explained what happened to him.

Soon, he stopped walking and faced us, starting to talk again.

"Listen, uh," he paused, "He doesn't get a lot of visitors. So, let me do the talking, alright?" he nodded to us before walking away, "And try not to stare." He warned.

Gally led us to a room where a man was whispering so words that I couldn't hear. We all walked down the stairs while Gally walked towards the man, Thomas close behind him, while we were right behind Thomas.

"Gally," the man greeted, "Glad to see you made it back. Jasper told me what happened."

"It was a slaughter. There was nothing we could do against those guns." Gally informed.

"No, but they can only poke the hornets nest so long, before they get stung." He said, sniffing a flower that was in his hand.

I looked a little closer at the man, studying him, till I realized.

His nose was gone.

"Now who are these people?" he asked, "And why are they here?"

"We need to get into Wicked," Thomas walked forwards, "Gally said you can get us through the walls." He informed.

He looked towards Thomas, Well Gally, should know better than to make promises that he can't keep." He said.

He looked at Gally, while we all stayed silent before he spoke again.

"Besides, that wall is only half your problem," he faced Thomas completely now, "Getting inside Wicked is impossible."

"There might be a way now," Gally spoke up, "But it doesn't work without Thomas." He informed the man, who I'm pretty sure was Lawrence, making Thomas look at him with furrowed brows.

"Is that so?" Lawrence walked forward, revealing his face to us, "Do you know what I am?" he continued walking towards Thomas, "Thomas?" he got right into Thomas' face, "I am a businessman. Which means that I don't take unnecessary risks. Why should I trust you?" He questioned.

"Cause I can help you." Thomas whispered.

It was silent between the two before Thomas spoke again.

"You see, if you can get me through those walls," he paused, "I can get you what you need." He finished.

"And what is it, that you think I need?" Lawrence questioned.

"Time. Every last drop." Thomas said.

Lawrence scoffed a little, looking at Gally, who was glancing between the two in front of him, "Is that what I need?" He looked back towards Thomas.

"Wicked has something we both want." Thomas said.

"I'll tell you what. Three can go for now. The rest can stay down here with me. Just a little insurance to make you find your way back." Lawrence told him.

We all glanced at each other before looking back at Thomas, who glanced at us before looking back at Lawrence.

"We have a deal?" Lawrence asked, putting out his hand for Thomas to shake.

After a couple seconds, Thomas shook Lawrence's hand firmly, keeping eye contact. Lawrence smirked a little, chuckling.

"Gally, show him the way." He commanded.

We decided that Thomas, Newt, and I would go with Gally. Gally moved an object out of the way, revealing a sewer underneath. He grabbed a ladder, putting it down so we could climb down safely. He started going down the ladder before Frypan stopped him.

"Gally," he said, "Take care of these three." Frypan told him.

"Yeah." Gally nodded, glancing at me before climbing down the rest of the ladder.

Thomas started to climb down too, while I saw Newt go and sit down, going to tie his shoe, till he stopped. His hand was shaking a lot, making him bring it up close to his face, making his hand into a fist before holding onto it with his other hand.

I walked towards him, crouching down so we were eye level. He looked at me, a small frown laying on his lips. I grabbed his hand that was shaking before giving it a kiss, then kissing his lips, him kissing back. He cupped one side of my face, while I was still holding his hand.

I pulled away, pecking his nose, "You ready?" I whispered. He nodded, giving me a small smile before pecking my lips.

I stood up, holding my hand out to him, which he gladly took. He let me go down the ladder first, Gally and Thomas standing there awkwardly, while waiting for us. I got down, then it was Newt's turn. Once he was down, he grabbed my hand before we turned to Gally, letting him know we were ready.

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