Newt Lives Ending

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(So, I felt bad that I didn't let Newt live.... so here's another ending... It's gonna be basically the exact same ending, just a little different)

~Y/n P.O.V.~

My senses. Everything started coming back to me. Just then, I sat straight up, gasping while waking up. I was in a hut, the sun shining through the curtains a little. I looked down at my body, seeing I was wearing completely different clothes.

 I looked down at my body, seeing I was wearing completely different clothes

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I put my legs on the edge of the bed, grunting in pain while doing so. I lifted up my shirt a little, seeing the gunshot all patched up. I looked at where the door was before putting on the pair of shoes that was next to the bed I was laying on.

I opened the curtain, walking out of the hut, revealing a beach right in front of me, and a ship out in the distance. I heard laughing and talking coming from the right of me, making me turn my head and see tents and loads of people around.

I walked forwards, glancing around the place, passing many people I haven's seen before. Probably from different mazes that Wicked had captured. There were people building structures, reminds me of when I use to help Gally in the maze.

I continued walking, till I saw Minho, Thomas, Brenda, Frypan, Jorge, Gally, and Aris a little bit behind him, in front of me, looking right at me. I stopped in my tracks, looking at Minho, who had a small smile laying on his lips. I furrowed my brows a little in confusion, but ignored it.

I walked forwards, Minho doing the same before we hugged each other, everyone else coming closer while we were. Minho and I pulled away before I started hugging everyone else.

Gally was the second last person I hugged. While we were doing so, I realized that they all had smiles on their faces. Not big smiles. They couldn't stop looking at me with them. Once Gally and I pulled away from our hug, I hugged Aris before looking at everyone in confusion.

"What's going on?" I questioned.

They were huddled up together, still smiling at me. To be honest, I was getting creeped out. Just then, they all looked over my shoulder, making me slowly turn to see what they were looking at. Once I did, I froze.

My eyes meeting familiar beautiful brown eyes. The brown eyes on my love. The love of my life.

Brown eyes of Newt.

He had a bright smile on his face, happy that I was awake. I could see his eyes were getting watery. So was mine. I slowly started walking forwards, him doing the same. We met halfway, and I cautiously put my hands on his cheeks, scared I was gonna break him.

We looked into each others eyes, not breaking eye contact. I felt his hands go on my hips, squeezing it a little. Tears started coming down, onto my cheeks. It was silent between us, until he finally spoke up, saying just two words that made my heart flutter.

"Hello, love."

I didn't say anything, instead, I crashed my lips onto his, our lips moving in sync. I was gripping his cheeks tightly, but not enough to hurt him. We stayed like that for what seemed like forever, but it was only about almost a minute, before we both pulled away, heavily breathing.

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