Chapter One: Life aint fair!

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Unknown - 10 years ago -

" It isn't going to work"

" Pass me the eye"

" But sir, I don't think its stable enou-"

His glare radiates across the room, a glare that could kill. Literally.

" I said, pass me the eye." His voice deeper then the sea, his anger growing when he is not listened too.

Huffing the other man gently picked up the mechanical round object, for it to only be snatches out of his hand by no other then the devil.

He gulps.

" Does the eye have Extraocular Muscles?"

" Yes sir"

" Good" His voice able to send a shiver down your spine. Especially poor Ashtons.

" Sir how about we get a-a professional?" He hesitates, which wasn't unseen by this devil as he continues to connect the mechanical eye to the socket.

Turning his head slightly

" The so called 'professionals' took care of the organs, I'm pretty sure I can do the eyes. So shut it, I don't need your input. It will wor-" He spits out, to only stop when a buzzing sound is illuminated around the room. The room flashing red, to white.

Red, to white.

The man whips his head around to see the girl shaking.

" This is all your fault" The man growled out, his voice full of anger.

He turns around to punch the other man for him to only be gone.

" That little- argh"

As he grabbed the other eye that was left laying on the metal tray.

As he places it into the empty socket, attempting to connect all the wires and nerves. To enable this machine to work.

However the shaking didn't help as she needed to be still for it to work correctly.

However the eye had to go in whether it was perfect or not, because he will never have this opportunity again. He will never get the chance to find a girl laying half dead on the ground to make his weapon.

It was a rare coincidence that he had needed. That he will take.

Once he connected the piece, he grabbed a small but long plastic straw type object. Injecting it into her before a substance travelled through and into her body.

Her shaking body began to calm down as the red substance existed her body to be replaced with more.

However this blood wasn't normal. No.

They weren't the colour you would expect blood to be. But quite the opposite. Blue.

The existing red blood was being replaced with a blue substance. A substance that would work better with the machinery inside her body. The substance that he can use to control her.

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