Chapter Fourty-Eight- Caged?

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" I'm pretty sure he would keep it in his office, if this hard drive was that important, he wouldn't want to keep it somewhere that wasn't secure!" I exclaim, imagining the blueprint we made of the building, and what section his office was within. As we continue down the corridor, sticking close to the walls as we hear a few mutters.

" Probably...." He responded, sounding as if his mind was currently elsewhere. Which resulted in me to tilt my head towards TK, who was already looking at me. To be specific at my eyes.

I raise my eyebrows. Which causes him to straighten up.

" Are your eyes.. lighting up?" He questions, getting close to my face as I turn away.

" What, no, you weirdo, and anyways.. nows not the time!" I exclaim, shaking my head as I glance around the corner, ensuring that nobody was going to surprise us with their presence.

Why the flip would he even think that.. I mean, I know these glasses don't do me much to hide my eyes. But as long as your not directly next to me, and staring at my eyes, you can't exactly notice them. Clearly TK has been staring at me for quite a while.
And now is not the time to be asked why I have such eyes.

" Come on, let's go." Before creeping around the corner, glancing at TK as he follows close behind me with his face back to his blank stern one. His mind probably racing.

However before I can take another step I am dragged backwards, into a hard chest as arms wrap around my waist. Tightening its hold around me. I try to rip these hands off of me, however it comes to no use as a familiar voice speaks.

" Would you stop wiggling, I hear voices near by." TK speaks, making me glance up slightly in annoyance.

" And couldn't you of warned me in another way, instead of clinging onto me?" I question, as he unwraps his arms from around me. Completely ignoring my question as he shrugs.

" Well I think we reached his office.." He mutters, as I turn around and gesture him to explain.

" I can hear a meeting going on, they are talking about some sort of shipment and..."

" And what?" He's face scrunching up in confusion as he glances down at me.

" You!" He mutters, before a loud bang is heard and all hell broke loose. A hand grabbing me from behind, as I whip my head backwards, hearing a satisfying crack, as I whip around to see a very unpleasant face.. Nate.

" For fuck sake." Is all I mutter, as I feel air coming up from behind me, causing me to duck as a fist comes flying past my head. As I swing my leg out, for the man to come crashing to the ground.

" Well well well, who might this be?" A sickly voice echos through the corridor. As I glance up from TK, who was taking down 3 men at once, before I glance towards Nick.

I groan " My gosh, can you keep that scared face out of my sight, like honestly. I'm sick of seeing it" rolling my eyes, as Nick glares daggers into my skull. Before squinting his eyes towards one section on my face...

My glasses..

He hums " Why don't you take your glasses off, it's quite rude don't you think? To wear them whilst we are having a conversation" Raising his eyes brows before ducking as a body flys past his head.

" Whoops, my apologies, he was getting on my nerves." Before ducking as a fist attempts to knock his head off..

" Well wasn't that rude?" TK mutters, before throwing another fist in the direction of the young man.

As i begin to stand tall. Slowly examining my surroundings.

There were now 2 men fighting TK, as Nate and 2 others surrounded me. However not making a move towards me as I sigh.. I'm guessing this is about this hard drive I apparently have. Which I actually don't have, but they don't need to know that right now.

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