Chapter Fourty: Lets do this thing!

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" I can't thank you enough!"  The women said for the hundredth time once she got back from where ever she disappeared off to, and quite frankly, I was ready to give her one. No joke.

" And we already said your welcome, how many times do you want us to say it to you?" I questioned, she sends an
ugly look towards me before acting all soppy again in front of Matthews.. bitch!

" I just wanted to thank you!" She said again as Matthews smiled brightly.

" We know, now if you could please sign this form so we can pay for all the damages?" Matthews asked again, it's truly not getting thought her brain. What happened to Miss worry pants earlier on, she turned from one of worry to one of excitement.

I'm mean obviously you will do when you find out the flipping second hand leader is off of your back, but it still doesn't excite you to the point of wanting to practically jump the guy.. I'm a little creeped out, not gonna lie!

The other boys were cuffing some of the guys they were able to get down earlier as more police came through the doors. It truly was a scene and a half, but I still had a pang of worry in the bottom of my stomach. Of what? I couldn't tell you, but it was lingering their and it was pissing me off to say the least.

The other boys only had a couple cuts and bruises which was good, no broken burns or deaths. Matthews was repping a nice lovely bruised eye, it hasn't fully developed yet but you could see it's potential!

" Oh yes, sure. You really don't have to though. You did help me out after all" She giggled, picking the pen up and signing her name on the paper. Clearly she doesn't mind to much now does she!

" Thank you" Snatching the letter out of her hands once she had finished writing on it, I send her a quick grin.

" Have a lovely day!" Turning on my heels and heading towards the man in charge of the police squad that came to help out. I could practically feel her glare on my head but it didn't last long until I could hear more of her attempts to interest Matthews.

Give you a little spoiler, she's failing miserably!

" Here you go, finally got her to sign the flipping thing. It should be payed by tomorrow morning tops!" Placing the paper into his hands.

" Thanks for catching these buggers. We can finally have a crack at them, should get some information about the Vipers and their whereabouts" The man known as David Stewards smiles towards me as I nod in response. He can only try, don't want to burst the bubble he just created. That would just be mean.

Swiftly turning around, heading towards the boys who were grouped up in a corner.

" You aught to save your dad, I think he's about to ruin his so called ' image' on the bitchy girl over their" Placing one hand on Cashes shoulder, he jumps slightly but he sees nothing of it once he looks over towards his dad.

" So what, she likes him!" Smiling from ear to ear.

" And I don't" I muttered from under my breathe, the truth hurts sometimes.

" And you care because?" Xavier asks out of nowhere with a small smirk written on his face. I know what he's thinking and he can bog right off, the little skunk.

" I don't" Rolling my eyes, shoving him back slightly as he produces a small laugh.

" No but in all seriousness, doesn't she look a bit strange?" I questioned as an arm is placed around my shoulder.

" Little sissy, I have one thing to say to you. And it's to take a chill pill, lets celebrate what we've accomplished and move on! Let Matthews have a little fun" Tyler states as Cashe groans.

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