Chapter Nineteen: This is about to get messy

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" This is the place right?"

" Apparently?" Ash responded as we look on.

" But there's nothing here" Paul stated. As we all stand their, looking out in the clearing.

No buildings, no structure no nothing. Not even trees, well you could tell some have been planted but they have not grown fully yet.

" Maybe its underground" Don spoke, as we continued our way forwards.
Don leading the way with Paul and Taylor behind him. Me and Ash behind them.

The moon providing us with the only light source as we stop.

" This might be it" Don whispered. Bending down, using his hands to move away the leaves to reveal a hatch.

" Damn there clever, building an underground base nobody would be able to find!" Hitting Paul around the head.

We are not here to complement their amazing ideas.

" There must be another entrance due to how they wouldn't be able to get their shipment or transport through. This meaning that this is their secret passage way. So make sure you memorize where this is!" As they all glance to me with a nod.

Don slowly opening the hatch to reveal a pair of ladders.

As we each take our time to head down.

" Be careful, you have to jump down to the ground near the end." Taylor whispered towards us as Ash makes his way down. Closley followed by me, as I slowly close the hatch.

Damn its heavy, even for me..

As I feel hands around my waist. Helping me to the floor.

" I could of done that myself!" Glaring up towards him.

" Yeah, I know." Taylor smiles as we look down the halls.

Rolling my eyes we catch up with the boys who had slowly began walking off.

What happened to sticking together..

" Theres two roots so were gonna have to split up, use these to communicate. And when you find him, make sure you tell us all. We can then try and navigate our way there" Don commanded. Reaching into his pocket, pulling out dark black coms.

Sticking them into my ear and holding down.

" Can you hear me?"

" Of course we can hear you stupid, your standing next to us!" Paul whispered. Shaking his head as he also put his into his ear.

" I'm going with Tavia I ain't leaving herside" Ash walking towards me, placing a hand over my shoulder.

" Understandable. Well you two go with Taylor. Me and Paul will go this way!" As he points towards the right.

Don putting his hand into the centre of our circle. As we all follow lead. Ashton's arm still placed around my shoulder.

" Let's not die today huh" Ash whispered.

" Let's not even consider it" I responded as the group smiles.

" Roll out" Slapping out hands quietly onto the floor as we turn our separate ways.

Getting a few metres down the hall.

" Can you hear me now?"

" Loud and clear" Paul spoke as we turn another corner. Turning my little device off.

Dont want them to listen to every bloody conversation we have.

" Damn, this place is massive" Taylor spoke as he walked ahead with Ash as I walked behind them both.

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