Chapter Fourty-One: Tyler, what did you do to the poor man?

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" On my count" Matthews spoke, as all hands went to the handle of the door. My gun was gripped in my left hand as my right held onto the handle.

The car was silent as we all stared from each other to the blacked out car.

" 1" I squinted my eyes back, trying my best to see past their heads as well as through the bloody windows but I came to no avail.


" Guys can't we jus-"

" Shh" We all spat towards Tyler as he suddenly slouched down, mumbling a quick apology.

" Go" Jumping out of the drivers seat, gun fire shot through the sky as I ran towards a tree in the forest. The shots followed me as I jumped out of the way before it could make contact.

" Why the bloody hell are they following m- ahh well isn't that a stupid question" I muttered, crouching behind the tree as the group continued to fire their guns towards the car. But it came to no use due to how they were bullet proof. Only having a slit at the top of the window to place a gun through.

" We need one of those cars" Cashe shouted.

" I agree, you need to invest into better items Matthews" I shouted, glancing towards Matthews who was crouched behind our car. Rolling his eyes, I see his mouth moving but I hear nothing. Probably muttering to himself.

Peeping around the corner, I sent a few bullets towards the open slit at the top of the window. Which was returned as a few bullets hit the tree I was crouched against.

Looking around, I spot Dante sneaking up behind the car. Sneak attack, I like it!

Turning slightly I spot Matthews muttering harshly towards himself, shaking his gun around as I could hear him quietly cursing under his breath.

" Hey Matthews, take this!" I shouted, throwing my gun towards him as he catches it with both hands. He looks towards me quite surprised as more gun shots echoed throughout the sky.

I'm surprised the police haven't been called yet, unless this is the usual in this neighbourhood?

Glancing back towards Dante, he had his hand on the door handle about to open it but gets knocked to the floor as the door collides with his head.

" Shit" I muttered as more gun shots fired. Tilting my head to the side, I make eye contact with Calum.

" Go around the back, help Dante" I mouth, as I could see Dante and the other bloke going full at it with one another.

I hear shuffling as I glance back towards Calum to see him gone.

You see I would move, but the bullets seem to be following me so I mean, if you want me to kill myself as well as my fellow colleagues just shout!

Looking towards the gun peeping out of the window I make a run for it. I know, I know, a little rash. Especially with what I've just said! But I need to get the attention off of Calum and Dante who have now wrestled the other guy onto the floor.

Sprinting towards Xavier and Tom who were both positioned behind a big oak tree, I wrap my hands around both of Xaviers shoulders.

" Bro, I was almost dead meat that you sell in the supermarkets!" I stressed, as Tom glances towards me from his crouched position.

" Stop moving then" He spoke as if I was dumb. Like mate, watch yourself.

" Keep talking, lets see what you get!" I warned, swinging my arm around my new bestie and taking the gun right out of his hands. Tom looked frightened, as Xavier looked taken back with the emptiness that just occupied his hand.

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