Chapter Fifty-Four: They Wont Know What's Hit Them.

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"I can explain, listen," I begin, but I'm quickly cut off.

" You've said that four times now. And I'm not hearing a very clear explanation.?" Rolling his eyes.

" So, she came to you out of nowhere, where you then placed her in your group.
You then say she has a problem with her eyes. And that's why she wears those weird glasses.. 

But, didn't think to mention the truth to anybody." The young boy utters. Eyebrows tensed as he folded his arms over one another.  

" I'd watch your tone TK, I have many reasons why I shouldn't be telling many others about Octavia."

" And that includes your own team?" Tilting his head to one side. Ignoring my warning.

Clearly, these boys don't  understand when to give in.

" And that concerns you why?" Standing from my chair, the slight annoyance radiating from my body.

" Because I've just watched her get dragged away by this random guy, who seemed to know her extremely well.. You know, the Vipers and all that."

As my body froze.. the Vipers...

" Someone in the Vipers knows her?" My head gradually tilting to it's left. 

Confusion filling my brain...
Why on earth would someone from the Vipers know Octavia..

" Yeah, they had a lengthy chat about something very important.. they didn't seem to be on the best of terms, however."

The Vipers and Octavia.. not a chance.. they couldn't possibly have a connection..

I mean, her past is almost non-existent to us. She hasnt exactly spilt her life out to us..

But linking those two words in one sentence didn't feel right to me.

" But the Vipers are weak. They couldn't have possibly arranged and planned something so perfect".. I thought aloud..  The dots not connecting in the slightest.

" I saw what I saw, he had a knife-"

"He had a knife" I Exclaim, shock taking over me from the information being given.

Which was quickly over looked by TK.

"AND- he mentioned something about a drive he was assuming she had. But it couldn't be the one we have now." Pointing at the drive that lay beside my hand.

" We didn't have the drive when they were 'arguing'" Bringing his hands up for the inverted commas.

These facts making me question everything I knew about Octavia...

But if there conversation was going south.. what links does she have with them for their to be so much hatred. To bring a darn knife.

However, before I could utter another word, I heard a knock at the door..

" Give us a minute" I yelled. Wanting to hear a little more upon the situation occurring.

" You're going t-"

" It can't be that important, Kade." I interrupted. Shaking my head before looking back towards TK.

" Kabel is here to see you" The words uttering out of his mouth sent a wild fire to erupt from within me.

The words echoed throughout my brain, sending shock waves of emotions to erupt.

It can't be... not possibly him..

Could it?



So very cold..

My body shivered as my head lay slanted to the right..

Strength, gone.

My whole body refused to move as the steady patter from my crimson blood hit the floor.

The stone walls and floor not providing much warmth for the ever so cold room.

Freezing.. ice.

It was so cold, my body turned into a state of shock.
I couldn't..  I can't process the attack I was under.

The pain..
The room..
My body..

Nothing was visible or felt, as I sat limp of any emotion..  any feelings..


" This isn't working" A voice spoke. Making my ears ring from the sudden sound.

I felt dizzy.. I felt sick.

" We will just have to wait until she wakes up.. I'm sure her body can't possibly take much more" Another voice appearing, this one more deep.. More violent.

My eyes stung.. I couldn't open them, not like I wanted to, but the fear of being unable to
crept ever so deeper.

My body was beaten and bruised.. which was an understatement.

I looked like death..  Well more than likely I do anyways.

I've been here a few days now.. not like I've been counting. Who knows if its morning or night.. dusk or dawn.. 

Time just keeps ticking..  and I have no way of knowing how much.

My loyalty to Kabel staying strong, not voicing a word where he may be, or where he could of placed the hard drive..

It's not like I'd know such information.

But it meant nothing to them, whether I knew or not. Or if I was dead or alive..

As long as they got what they wanted..  That's all that mattered.

However, it isn't in my interest to die, unfortunately. Not anytime soon any way's. But getting out of this god forsaken room seemed impossible.. 

Forcing my eyes to open, grasping at any ounce of strength I had left in my body. I manage to peak out of my right eye.

However my head hung low, my mattered hair covering my sight.

I'm going to have to lift my head up, face the wrath upon what is to come.

Swinging my head back to be faced with a very quiet room..

Too silent and abandoned to be real.. The steady patter from my blood began to slow. The pool of red spread across the floor, looking more like a blood bath then anything.

I felt sore and stiff, but definitely not broken.. and if I wasn't broken, then I'm unstoppable. 

And being unstoppable wasn't in Reid's and Castillo's best interest. As the right side of my mouth tips upwards, a smirk.

The dried blood probably making my appearance look gruesome. Let alone the smirk that takes a hold of my face. 

They wont know what's hit them


Chapter Fifty-Four: Complete.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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