Chapter Nine: Your snooze, you lose

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Octavia POV:

" For the last time, it was self defence!"

" Just except it!"

" No, I am not cleaning the halls tomorrow. I already have a date this afternoon in the cafeteria. Your lucky I'm actually going to turn up!

Rolling his eyes.

" You do as I say" His voice stern and demanding. What happened to Mr. Nice guy earlier.

" What about those two brats who hit me first?"

" I cant really do much about that, their the Mayors daughter. Unless you want me fired?" As he runs a hand down his face.

" Let me just punch them one last time" I pleaded. As Matthew's look up towards me from the work on his table.

He only has a few left now, a massive improvement from earlier.

His serious facade fading slightly as he looks towards me.

" Sorry, but I'd rather have a job thanks"

" They cant fire you, your the almighty creator. You fixed nearly the whole entire school. Their ain't nobody to compare you with." Let me tell you if KB heard that, I would definitely be going into that room...

" Is that a compliment?" He asked, shock in his voice as you could see the slight smirk appearing in his face before it turned back to its stern, serious one.

" Don't get used to it"

" Thanks for the compliment but it ain't getting you out of this one" Cursing to myself.

It was worth a try..

" Now go, I'm almost finished with this and I can then leave!"

" Am I still doing the Hallways tomo-"

" Yes, now leave"

" In all four buildings..."

" Yep" Popping the P

" That would take me forever.."

" Then you better have enough sleep tonight then shouldn't you!" As I could mentally see him smirking.


" Do you not know how to mop a floor" As Blonde moron lifted the wet brush off of the floor and splatter it all over us.

" Bitch" Trixi shouts a she got a chair to throw at him as I stopped her.

" A chair isn't the solution" As he begins swinging the mop around as if it's some karate stick...

If that's what you call them..

" We got to fight mop on mo-" Ducking out of the way as the mop came closer to knocking my head off again.

" Oh that's it" Grabbing a mop that has been soaking in the water for 5 minutes.

Shacking it towards him, and let me tell you the sight was hilarious.

His face scrunched up as he tried to hide himself with his wet mop, to only end up more wet when his dumb brain realised that his mop is also wet.

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