Chapter Thirty-Seven: Thats the spirit

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" He's practically staring daggers into me" I whined quietly, scrunching my eyebrows as I cross my arms and lean further back in my chair.

" It wasn't even me, how am I the only one he's practically planning to kill" Giving one of my own glares, the classroom quiet as the teacher continues to chatter on about the techniques of art. Very exciting really.

I was the only one who took this class and clearly so did Mr grumpy over there as I continue to complain to myself about how much my life sucks at this current moment in time.

" So that's all I want you to do today team, practice that technique and combine it into your piece of work. If you don't finish it in the time we have, I would love if you stayed longer. " Zoning back into the conversation as she claps her hands.

" We have 10 minutes, please use that time wisely" The classroom growing in volume as everyone begins to talk to their friends, but because I don't have any that take this class I'm pretty much alone. Which I didn't mind because I enjoy the peace I get when I'm alone. Sometimes..

Standing to get some paint from her cupboards, I tragically had to walk past Mr. grumpy who thinks glaring at me is gonna achieve something in his miserable life... how tragic!

Opening the cupboard that sat right next to Datur, I grabbed some red, black, yellow and white paint. Kicking it shut I am soon stopped when he sticks his foot out.

" Really? " I groaned.

" That's so pathetic" Stepping over his foot because quiet frankly, I cannot be bothered to make him more angry by standing on it. Plus it's kind of what little kids do.... yeah kidding who wouldn't take the opportunity to stand on his foot. I mean come on, what do you take me for?

Making sure to stand on it for a prolonged time before walking back to my seat, sending the fakest apology in existence.

" Whoops, you should be more careful when placing your foot next time. You don't know the potential harm that could occur."

" Your a bitch you know that right?" Snarling towards me. Shaking the foot I stood on for a few seconds.

" Ima bitch and I'm proud thank you, but the words that could spill out of my mouth about you. Blimey your lucky I have a bit of self restraint." Sitting in my chair, setting the paint out as I begin to squirt it onto my canvas.

" I know you did that to my car" Making me scoff.

" Hun, I would do more than just that if it was me. I'd probably would of hit the owner instead of the poor car, because I understand the pain of the car and when it's completely wrecked. I'd be furious. Oh and don't even think about it, I have cameras" Smirking towards him as I use my fingers to lightly spread the paint in different directions before using my brush to create mini patterns.

" That means nothing to me, my cars bloody pink and your the only responsible person in my eyes"

" That's good to know, but I honestly couldn't care less. So could you shut yourself up for the remaining 5 minutes of the lesson so that I can at least have something presentable, or would you prefer to be my canvas" I respond, sending him a fake smile before returning back to my work, blocking everything he says to me. Labelling it useless crap.

He really doesn't have an off button, as I continue to feel the heated glare on the side of my face.
Can this lesson be any slower?


" Guys guess what" Tyler shouts in enthusiasm as I sat staring into oblivion.

" What?" Placing my head on the arm of the chair as Red lay on top of me, his head on the base of my stomach. The other boys either in the kitchen or living room, and surprisingly Matthews is back early and is sat on the sofa with a book in his hand.

' Teaching of wisdom ' Yeah, sounds interesting... not.

" Well we have another mini mission" As my mind freezes.. say what..

" Since when?" Matthews finally tuning into the conversation, folding the page he was on and closing it tight.

" Funny story actually" Rubbing the back of his neck, as I send him a knowing look..

"Ikindofconnectedacallthatwassenttoyouandanswereditinsteadtellingthemthatyoucoudlntcometothephoneandthatidtellyou" He spoke.

As I produce a small laugh..

" Didn't you do that the other day?" I questioned, running the top of Reds head as all eyes come to me.

" Yes" He whispered.

" You got that?" As I send a small nod.

" He said, and I quote " I kind of connected a call that was sent to you and answered it instead telling them that you couldn't come to the phone and that I'd tell you" the news" Slowly lifting myself up and off of the sofa, covering him with a little cover to keep him warm in this cold house.

" You what" He shouted as I shake my head, the other boys staying quiet.

" What is the mission?" Coming to stand next to a fuming Matthews, patting him on the back.. me playing apart of this inconvenience since he did ask me to connect him to it... wasn't my idea though soo?

" Well, I answered it and there was a women on the other end of the phone telling me how this gang called ' The Vipers' are stealing from their pub continuously, even hurting their members of staff, even making some of them quit their jobs. It wouldn't be much of our problem if it wasn't for them using mechanics like ours" As my eyes grow wide.. lucky it was unknown to them due to my glasses.

The vipers are stealing from this ' Pub'.. what are they planning now?

Wait doesn't Key go around the pubs every now and then... he must at least know about this. And if he did, why has he not told me yet?

" The Vipers?" Most of the boys sounded out.
How do they not know who they are?

" They are a well known group trading drugs and all that plus other stuff normal gangs do, but who they are isn't important, we need to help them out."

As I practically feel like scoffing.

They aren't just a normal gang, gosh they are much more then that. They work with the bloody Mafia for Josh's sake. They are much more then just your typical gang that's for sure. Sharing links with the bloody police, as well as many dangerous groups that I prefer not to go into..

" Right" I drag out, none of them hearing which was good as Tyler finalises things.

" She would love if we could get it sorted out tomorrow morning because they visit in the morning around 10" As I check my phone: 8:42 - 17th August.

" So she wants us their on the 18th?" As even more stress overtakes me. This is just typical, it just has to be the day that I actually have something to do in my life.

" Can we not rearrange?" Wanting to just collapse onto the floor.

" Well isn't that a stupid question" Dante said, giving me a small smile.

" Ugh" Not caring anymore, as I flop onto the floor. My hair scattered along the carpet.

" Why would you need to change it anyways?" Xavier questioned. His voice sounding muffled as I look over to see his as well as Tom's mouth full of food. A food I could not identify.

I would tell them the reason as to why, but it involves a small call from Key and KB. And I can't exactly just tell them that, so that calls just gonna have to wait...

How annoying..

" Just wanted to actually succeed in art, but I guess that can wait"

" That's the spirit" Calum voiced, grabbing my wrists and pulling me upwards.

Just cant be bothered...


Chapter Thirty-Seven -Complete-
(1338 words)

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