A New Light

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Henry's eyes snapped open and he found himself eye to bulb with Norman. Norman sagged with relief, "Thank- the stars. I thought I- killed you!"

Henry sat up against the wall he was leaned on, "Why would you think that?" he asked, rubbing his head.

Norman hesitated, "I... I don't... know." He lifted a hand to the side of his head, "Why would I..."

"It's fine, Norman," Henry assured, "I'm all right. Just a bit... dazed, I guess."

The scent of warm soup made Henry's stomach growl. He glanced behind Norman and saw Buddy with his favorite, soupy cure.

The wolf handed the filled bowl and a spoon to Henry.

"Heh, thanks, Bud," Henry said, foregoing the spoon and tipping the soup into his mouth. He took a long draught, then noticed the lack of other people. "Where is everyone?"

Buddy and Norman glanced at each other. "Henry, you've been- out for almost two- days."

Henry almost dropped the bowl. "W-... what? Two days?"

Buddy nodded and pointed to the entry door.

"The others have been holding off some rather- violent Searchers an' off-model Bendy- cutouts."



"They're called Wanderers," Henry repeated, drinking the last of the soup and standing, "And if they're nearby, we might be in trouble."

Buddy huffed and crossed his arms at Norman. Norman shook his head, "We've been in trouble- ever since I figured- out my soul-light."

Henry gave him a side-glance, "Sorry, your what?"

In response, Norman turned his light brighter. "This is it normal, see? But this," his light turned a pale shade of gold, "ain't." Norman swept his light around the room, illuminating the gold ink on the wall and a pulsing flame in Buddy's chest. "As you can see, I can- show this hidden gold ink. But we called- this a soul-light because o' the fact I can see souls- in bodies. I can even see yours, Henry. Yer soul an' ink."

Norman turned his light on Henry, showing his gold-covered hands. The inky veins stretched farther than just his fingertips, snaking down the length of his hands. Henry followed the lines and discovered they went all the way up his arm, over his chest, and ended at a bright gold light over his heart.

A very bright gold light. Bright enough to cast shadows through the room.

"Is that my soul?" Henry asked.

"Sure is. Yeh can tell- it's, ah, a bit bright."

"Yeah, no kidding. None of the other souls I've seen have ever been this bright."

"An' that's barely half- of it."

"Oh?" Henry glanced up, "What else is there?"

Norman paused for a moment, then realized Henry misunderstood, "No, no, I mean that's barely- half of yer soul."

Henry glanced back down, "Bendy."

Norman's light nodded and turned off, "Bendy. Little devil didn't quite- split the treasure even. You got a smaller-than-half piece o' your soul left. The difference ain't that- detrimental, since your soul is so- powerful by itself, but it's a difference for sure."

Henry unconsciously rubbed the spot over his heart, "I did feel really weak when he first broke it," he said.

Norman nodded once more, "Probably because- o' the sudden change. Once the cycle- reset, though, I guess it forced your body- to readjust to only workin' with half of it usual soul supply."

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