An Angel's Prize

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Norman stood straighter and glanced around the room, "Where- are we? What- happened? I-I-I remember- tellin' you an'- Dot 'bout- the ink, then-... then..." his hand drifted to his chest, then his head, his fingers dazedly running over the cables and broken shackles, "... then you were... then- pain... an' dark, an'- the urge- to... and... Joey Drew."

Norman's fist slammed through a shelf. His speaker whined and his light flickered, mechanical body parts grinding and clicking with rage. "Joey Drew..." he growled, "Joey Drew. Joey Drew. Joey Drew, DREW, DREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-!!!"

The sound of Norman's unbridled fury shook the very room itself. Buddy clamped his hands to his ears, his legs buckling and sending him to his knees. The wolf's sensitive hearing did him no favors against the sound that was both human and mechanical, both high- and low-pitched, and all hatred.

Even many halls and hidden rooms away, Alice heard it.

Buddy, his ears about to burst, forced himself to stand and take a step forward. Every nerve said to flee from the noise, but Buddy knew there was a person under it, a person who was consumed by rage and fear, a person who once helped him and that he wanted to help now.

He took another step. One more. One hand unwrapped from his head and lifted, shaking, to Norman's shoulder.

Another half-step.

Hand on the shoulder.

A gentle squeeze.

The sound stopped.

Buddy's ears kept ringing. Even his eyes were unfocused. Ink dripped off his quivering limbs.

He felt large hands grip his upper arms and gently lead him back to the floor.

His hearing stared to clear.

The bright light in his face didn't help his vision, though.

Norman thankfully realized it and dimmed his light.

Buddy gave a lopsided smile and halfhearted laugh.

"H-... how can you- laugh?" Norman asked, sorrow in his skipping voice, "I f-fail-fail-failed you! I- didn't warn- you- in time, and... now, it's my- worst- fear, sittin' right- in front o' me!"

Even without a face, Buddy saw Norman's anguish. He put his gloved hands around Norman's forearms and shook his head. I'm okay, Norman. It was my fault I didn't listen to you.

Whether or not Norman understood, his head hung. "No-no-no-NO! I was- supposed to protect- you kids. I sees- everythin'- but- not sees a- boy- in trouble-..."

Buddy adjusted his grip, Norman, please!

"I was- afraid o'- this- happenin'. Dare I- say-, 'fraid o' Drew, o'- what- he might- do. I never- thought-... I never- saw-..."

Buddy's tail bristled as Norman's voice dipped again. The boy laid a hand on Norman's shoulder and hoarsely whined. Norman, stop, you're going to lose yourself again!

"-never saw- never- saw, never-... an' I- let you- down... I never saw-, never- saw, nev-"

Buddy barked.

He kept his surprise off his face when Norman snapped out of it and looked up, but the boy toon was surprised nonetheless.

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