Fish In A Barrel

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 "I have to say, it's nice drawing a trap with someone who actually knows how to draw a trap."

Bendy smiled, "Same here!"

Norman didn't look away from the doorway, "Yeh so, what's the plan once y'all are done drawing said magic circle?"

"Demon King pops in, we pop out Henry's soul, then send whatever's left to Hell," Sammy replied.

"And you can do all that with one circle?"

"It's a big, complicated circle," said Bendy, "but yes."

Sammy sat on his knees and inspected the circle, "So, we need containment, a soul net, and exorcism."

"Yup," Bendy nodded, "Lotsa lines."

"Let's just hope that thing is still dumb enough to actually get in the thing," Sammy muttered through his teeth.

"Over half of the floor is a trigger. The Demon King is so big it would have to stay on the walls if it was going to avoid getting caught."

Sammy huffed, "Where is it, anyway? It was right on our tails and I didn't bridge that far to get here."

"It's at the end of the hall," said Norman.

Bendy and Sammy scrambled to their feet and joined Norman in the doorway. Sammy summoned his scythe while Bendy climbed up to Norman's shoulder.

The space beyond the doorway was utterly dark, like a heavy curtain had been painted over everything. Only the light from Norman's lens cut through. At the end of his beam crouched a slick, skeletal body. A handful of claws laid on the floor while another set reached forward on the end of an arm bending the wrong way. The head, crowned by twisting horns, was tilted. A smile stretched wide across the smothered face, unmarred except for a sealed crack between the two front teeth.

The Demon King held perfectly still, cemented in place by Norman's light.

"What is it doing?" Sammy asked.

Bendy sank lower behind Norman's shoulder, "Maybe it's playing a game? Like, um... R-red Light, Green Light?"

"Well if it's gonna hold still," the cables in Norman's body started to wind with gold energy, "might as well send it my regards." Small jolts of electricity hopped through his arms and around his ribs, "You boys might wanna take a step back."

"What are you doing?" Sammy asked, leaning away.

Norman chuckled. Static crackled through his speaker as the gold bolts gathered in his hands, "You ain't the only one learnin' new tricks, Lawrence." He held out his hands at his sides, palms facing outward. The lightning came to a point at his fingertips.

Norman took a step forward and planted his feet. He swung his hands forward. They met in the middle with a clap of thunder as gold lightning shot toward the Demon King.

The bolt met empty darkness.

The Demon King ripped its claws out of Norman's chest.

A gold soul swirled at the tip of its claws.

Red threads caught Norman's body and made it swing at Sammy.

Sammy lost his grip on the scythe.

More claws pierced into the ground through his chest.

They pulled and spun together another puppet.

Bendy didn't remember when he ended up on the floor, but there he cowered, looking up at Sammy and Norman, their eyes an empty red while the Demon King loomed over them.

Norman's puppeted body punted Bendy into the circle. He bounced off the far wall of the containment seal.

Sammy and Norman flopped to the ground. The Demon King stepped into the circle. It planted a hand over Bendy, penning him in with razor edged fingers.

Bendy's ink chilled as the spell began closing in on him. He squeezed his eyes shut and forced his brain to work. The Demon King was in the circle! Start the spell! Turn it around! Start the spell! Start the spell!!

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