The Prophet's Trials

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Sammy found himself in his old office. It was an empty version without furniture or decoration, but his old office, nonetheless.

In the middle of it stood the very last person Sammy wanted to see again. "Franks?"

Wally, or at least, the sepiatoned version missing the signature pink bandanna around his neck and now sporting ink-stained palms, blinked at him. "No."

"... No?"

"I am not Wally Franks."

Sammy waved a hand up, "Okay then, bye." He turned to the door.

The handle wouldn't turn. Sammy muttered under his breath and kept pulling at it. When that didn't work, he summoned the scythe and slashed at the door, only for the blade to glance right off.

"The door is locked," said not-Wally.

An all-too-familiar spike of pure annoyance made Sammy's hand curl, "Yes, the door is locked, thank you for that wonderful declaration of the obvious."

Not-Wally said nothing. Sammy inclined his head at the door, "Well, how do I open it?"

"Find the keys."

Sammy stared. "I'm sorry, what?"

"You are filled with regrets, Samuel Lawrence." Four doors materialized along the furthest wall. Not-Wally turned to them. "Behind each is someone you regret. The Husk holds a part of the key you need to open the door."

Sammy rolled what he had of eyes. "I'm not going on some fetch quest."

Not-Wally snapped his head to Sammy, his voice rising and warping, "T̸h̸e̸n̶ ̴y̸o̷u̸ s̸u̵r̷re̷n̵d̶er̴ ̵t̸o̶ ̷t̶he̵ ̵D̶emon ̶Ki̸ng̷ t̶o ̴be̴ i̵ts̵ P̵ro̴ph̷et̷ f̷or̶ev̴er̶?"

"No!" Sammy snapped back, "I'm not-! I'm no one's Prophet!"

Not-Wally tilted his head, "Then this ought be no problem for you."

Sammy sighed and stared at the doors. He then got a stupid idea and lunged at not-Wally with the scythe.

The blade met air as not-Wally vanished, then reappeared standing beside the exit door. Sammy made another lunge for him, the scythe glancing off him just as it did the door.

"Do you intend to continue?" not-Wally asked.

That familiar annoyance prodded Sammy again. He begrudgingly let the scythe fall into air and marched up to the first door. There was no name on it, merely a crude ink drawing of a sewing needle and string.

He glanced back at not-Wally. A blank stare was all his answer.

Sammy narrowed his eyes and stepped through the door.

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